Be my...

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Sorry if there are any mistakes, did this chapter on my iPad, enjoy:)


I can't believe how long time has flied. I'm now 3 months and 3 weeks pregnant. Mom has started buying little bits for the baby. Last week it was a soft cuddly toy and this week it's a neutral coloured baby grow. In a few more weeks I will be able to know the gender of him or her but I'm not sure of I want to know yet. 

Dad has even been thinking about making the spare bedroom into a baby room. I was also starting to show so a few weeks ago I started work at home. Mom decided to work less hours so she could be home and watch me to make sure I was doing my work, which I did of course.

Currently, it was Friday night and I was lay flat across the couch in my fluffy dressing gown and eating popcorn whilst watching 17 Again. I've watched this film so many times, so after an hour into it I start to get bored. I chucked a piece of popcorn into the air and open my mouth ready to catch it, but it never fell. Leon giggled beside me chewing the piece of popcorn. 

"Look baby, uncle Leon is stealing our food. When your old enough, you can steal his food too, see who'll be laughing then!" I smirked patting my stomach lightly and jabbing Leon's stomach with the TV remote.

"Austin will be here soon, mom invited him out for tea with us" Leon said falling into the chair near me. My eyes went wide and looked down at my outfit: a blue vest top and a pair of sweat pants. Immediately, I jumped from my seat and ran up to my room to get changed. I flung out clothes in a bid to find something decent to wear that still fitted me. I decided on a pair of light blue jeans, a light pink blouse, a grey blazer and pale pink heels. I quickly added light make up to my face and looked over my outfit. Not bad.

As I left my room, bag in hand, Austin was stood at the bottom of the stairs with Leon, laughing at a joke. Austin was wearing a dark blue dressy sort of shirt with black jeans, a leather jacket and a pair of low cut blue converse. His eyes glanced towards me as I walked down the stairs. His mouth turned into an O shape and he mouthed the word 'wow'.

"Dude, that's my sister" Leon growled, nudging him in the side with his elbow. A small smile spread on my lips as Austin blushed lightly. Who'd have thought the player was blushing? Mom and Dad were still getting ready so I sauntered into the kitchen, deliberately swaying my hips, making myself a drink. When Leon thought I could no longer hear him he spoke up. "Dude, she doesn't need a guy in her life, she has a baby on the way. Especially a player like you" He warned.

I walked back into the hallway before making sure I looked good enough. Mom and dad were coming downstairs, ready to go. "Oh damn!" Mom cursed, looking annoyed with herself. "I forgot, we need to pick up your parents Austin" she announced grabbing her bag quickly. His what?! Oh yeah mom, why not invite my principal and her husband, when I'm pregnant! It's a good job they know about the whole situation and our parents are fairly close. "Leon you can get in the very back seat of the mini van, Summer is too big for it now"

"Gee, thanks mom" I sighed sarcastically looking down at my forever growing tummy.

"Could she ride in your car Austin? We'll pick up your parents". Mom asked Austin, ignoring me as if I had said absolutely nothing.

"Sure" He said opening the front door and gesturing me to follow him. I gulped and followed behind him. He opened the passenger side door for me and I thanked him happily. Hang on. Austin just opened the door for me...and closed it behind me. Austin, BadBoy player... I quickly slid inside and clicked my seat belt on. He started up the car and reversed out, heading towards the resturant. I stared aimlessly out of the window.

Wow this is awkward.

You think? He's your baby's father.

Oh shut up will you!

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