Baby Shower?

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For once, ever since I'd first set my eyes on his godly body, I wasn't thinking of Austin. Well, not none stop thinking about him anyway. Oscar had suddenly become my new centre of attention, and as I sat opposite him on a park bench with a double chocolate ice cream in my hand, I couldn't help but hang on his every word. Promptly nodding along and listening to him talk about his childhood. We laughed and made jokes here and there and I wondered how it was so easy for us to

It was so easy to get lost in his eyes, his green emerald eyes. His cheesy grin showing his teeth as he smiled at me. I could have really opened up to him, right there and then, but remembering he was only an acquaintance at the moment, I thought maybe not. However, despite being acquaintances, he still went ahead, turned to face me fully, moved slightly closer to me and asked me a surprising question.

"Will you go out with me sometime? On a date?"

Now, at this point I was thinking, me? Why me? I am pregnant aren't I? If so why is he asking me out? But in the heat of the moment, I smiled happily and said...

"Sure, I'd like that"

What have I done.


"A baby shower?"

"Of course! That beautiful little girl will be shooting out of you soon, why can't be celebrate?!" Carrie moaned. "Please Summer, come on you'll get lots of free gifts for the baby! It will be your last chance at freedom before she arrives!"

"Carrie, becoming a mother is something to look forward too, giving up 'my freedom' doesn't bother me, because let's face it, I'm not high up on the popularity scale anyways" I shrugged.

" that's a yes to the baby shower?"

"Fine!" I snapped, folding the last baby grow and placing it into the draw with the rest of the baby clothes. I turned and glanced around the room, it was finally complete and I couldn't wait to meet my little girl. I know it would make school life harder and like Carrie said, I wouldn't have much of a social life, but that didn't bother me. I just wanted to make a good life for me and my daughter, so we could live a happy life and I could raise her properly, so she could have anything she wanted.

"Yes! Okay I'll talk to Trish! I'm sure we can rent the hall in town, the room downstairs with the big opening doors so it leads onto the garden? Oh how nice will that be, I hope the weathers good! Do you want cake? I fancy cake, sponge or chocolate though because-"

"Carrie! Calm down" I shouted placing a finger on her mouth. "You can arrange it all, get whatever cake you want, I'm not bothered" I said, closing the door of the nursery behind me. Carrie clapped her hands happily, gave me a quick squeeze and ran down stairs. Shaking my head I hobbled into my bedroom, both hands holding my baby bump.

I caught my reflection in the mirror and looked up and down at my casual maternity clothes. My bump was very big now, so big I could only just see my feet. My vest top was tight around my stomach and my breasts had doubled in size. Carrie often referred to them as watermelons or coconuts, which everyone had a good giggle at. 

Leon had begun walking in at godly hours in the morning, waking the hole house up, reeking of booze and bringing girls home. Most of the time he woke me up and disturbed mine and the little ones sleep and the next day he would leave so early that I would have to engage in conversation with the slut he brought home the night before. He was literally out of control and I couldn't work out what was making him do this, act like this. What was going through his head? God knows. He wasn't my concern anymore, I can't have bad influences like him in my daughters life. 

Callum had slowly started to give up on me. He went from calling at least 5 times a day to once a day, then a few little sorry texts. He never came near our house nor had I seen him since that day. I wanted answers, I wanted my brother back but I couldn't vare the fact that he was the one she chose.

Squeezing my eyes shut tight, I took a deep breath and exhaled. Leaving my bedroom, I could hear Trish and Carrie making plans for the baby shower.

"The colour code should be pink. Pink napkins, table cloths, flowers-"

"Bit too much pink Carrie?" Trish said with an eyebrow raised.

"Is it hell, we can use lots of different shades. And of course food!"

"You know it's only a baby shower, not many people will turn up anyway. I'd be happy if it was just us three shopping for baby clothes or accessories, anything" I admitted.

"Don't be silly Sum, we need to treat that little girl and her mommy like the princesses you are!" She explained clapping happily. "Oh this is going to be brilliant!" Carrie squeezed me before kissing my baby bump, shouting goodbye and leaving me in wonderment as per usual. That girl gets more mad by the day. Collapsing onto the couch, I felt my eyes flicker and my head fall onto the cussion, falling into a dream.

"Mom I'm going to be late for school!" My daughter complained as she took one last look at her reflection and glanced at the clock. I jumped downstairs, bag in hand and heels in the other, ready for work. "Okay honey! Picture time first!"

"Oh mom!"

"What? It's not everyday my little girl joins high school! Smile!" I asked, her big lips forming a cheesy, unimpressed grin. "Maybe your dad will get a picture too?" I thought aloud, glancing at the picture.

"What dad? I don't have a dad remember?"

I don't have a dad

I don't have a dad

I don't have a dad


Panting wildly, I shot up awake breathing rapidly. The words 'I don't have a dad' repeating over and over in my head, making me feel sick to my stomach. What was I thinking? How could I let my daughter grow up without a father? She'd resent me for the rest of her life if I never told him, if he was never in her life. He wouldn't want to be, who wants to be a teenage parent? He'd be tied down for th rest of his life and that wasn't austin. He did what he wanted, when he wanted. 

So what else could I do?


Hey guys! Sorry i've been way way to busy to upload but I started this chapter ages ago and thought now I'd hit 10,000 READS (oh my gosh) I better upload! It's really bad I know I'm sorry, I'm very busy with college atm and it's my birthday on October 14th! So i am mega busy. Sorry also for the delay. ope you guys aren't too disappointed. I'll try and post another chapter very soon and a better one too! Comment/Vote/Follow - Ally

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