Staying Hidden

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Walking down the grand staircase, I watched as everyones eyes turned to me. People gasped as I slowly walked down the red carpet on the stairs. Watching my step, I saw my friends and Leon smiling brightly at me, happiness in their eyes. Searching through the crowd, I looked for the gorgeous brown eyes I loved. In a matter of seconds our eyes locked, making my lips twitch up into a huge smile, instantly. He darted through the crowd of teenagers towards me and lifted me into the air as I stepped onto the last stair. To be honest, I was surprised he could still pick me up. My dress was strapless and pulled me in, making my waist look skinny. It puffed out at the hips and made me look like a princess or queen.

Gently, he pulled me down so we were facing each other. His eyes sparkled in the light, his toothy grin sending little butterflies whizzing around in my stomach. He was wearing a black tuxedo with a black tie and looked amazing. I just wanted to make this moment last forever.

"You look beautiful as always Summer. I can't believe you're mine" he whispered, wrapping a strong arm around my waist, so our bodies were touching. We weren't even touching much but it was enough to send sparks through my veins. "I'm so lucky to have you in my life" I whispered back, as he lent his forehead against mine.

"No, I am the lucky one. I love you so much Summer Rose Blake" He declared, looking straight into my eyes. he closed the space between us and pressed a gentle kiss against my lips, making me weak at the knee's.

"I love you too Austin Michael Roberts"

"WHAT THE HELL!" I nearly screamed as I awoke from my dream. My iPhone told me it was nearly 6:30am, so I rubbed my eyes and got up. Why the hell was I dreaming about Austin?! I rummaged through my draws, pulling out fresh underwear and then walking over to my wardrobe. 

Seriously, why are you still thinking about him Summer? He's not worth thinking about, it's not like he's thinking about you. 

Sighing, I pulled out a pair of skinny jeans with a black strapless bandeau peplum top that Trish had bought for me on Saturday. Normally, I wouldn't wear anything like this to school but I knew she would be offended if I didn't wear any of the new clothes she'd gotten me.

Grabbing the outfit, I trudged into the bathroom to get ready. As I washed my face, I flashed back to last night's dream. I really needed to get over this guy, dreaming or even thinking about him wasn't doing me any good. 

Pulling on the new top, it was a little tight on the stomach. Checking the label I saw that it was in fact a size eight, huh. Normally I fitted size eight tops perfectly. 

I must have put a few pounds on. 

After being in the bathroom for a good 10 minutes, Leon started banging on the door. "Summer hurry up woman, I'm meant to be at school ten minutes earlier to run through some things with coach" He shouted.

"Alright, chill!" I shouted, unlocking the door and rolling my eyes at him. "What?" I asked as he stared at me. 

"Oh nothing, it's just you don't normally wear stuff like that to school"

"Yeah I know but mom bought me some new clothes, saying I couldn't wear your old tops anymore so, I thought I better humour her" I shrugged walking back into my room. 

Grabbing my bag, leather jacket, a new item of clothing from mom again and low cut, white converse I headed down stairs for some breakfast. Henry was sat at the table reading the morning paper whilst stuffing down a few pieces of toast. Gosh, calling them mom and dad was going to be hard work.

"Morning papa" I said cuddling him from behind, remembering how he used to love me calling him papa. "Morning my little ray of sunshine. Good mood today?" He asked hugging me back and folding his newspaper back up. "Yeah, I guess you could say that" I smiled, pouring myself a glass of fresh orange juice and grabbing a breakfast bar from the cupboard.

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