Our Little Secret

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"Shhhh he's going to hear you" I giggled from the side of the house. Currently, my brother had arrived home and Austin was still at my house. We'd hung out for the whole day, simply talking about anything and everything, until about 2 minutes ago when we heard a key turn in the lock. We both dashed out of the back door and were now crouched at the side of the house.

Austin prodded my sides, tickling me. "Stop it" I laughed, peering around the side of the house to see if Leon had gone into the house. Once I was sure he was out of sight, we ran across the garden to Austin's car, jumping inside quickly. We sped off down the street, hoping Leon hadn't seen. Once we were well away from the street, we glanced over at each other, erupting into fits of giggles.

"Eyes on the road!" I nearly screamed as Austin swerved around an on coming car. "That was so damn close!" I said, exhailing deeply, he nodded smiling in agreement as he drove through busy streets. "I don't know how we're going to do this though Austin" I sighed, feeling defeated.

"Do what?" He asked confused.

"Continue to hang out with each other, Leon will never allow it" I mumbled resting my head in my hand. Austin took my other hand and interlaced our fingers, sending immediate sparks through my system. My stomach started to flip, butterflies span in circles and I wondered if he felt this too.

"I don't care about your brother, if he finds out, I'm willing to take whatever punishment he sends my way" He smiled softly. I wanted to reach over the console separating us and press my lips to his, but it wasn't like he'd confessed his love for me, although I wish he had.

"No Austin" I protested "I don't want you to get hurt just because you hung out with me. I'm not worth it" I shrugged.

"Summer, he could hit me a million times and I still wouldn't stay away from you. This" He paused pointing between us "Will be our little secret" He winked, driving into the far distance.


We stayed out for the rest of the evening, there wasn't much to do but somehow we amused ourselves. We had drove through town for an hour before deciding we were both starving., He took us to Mc Donald's and ordered us both a large Big Mac meal and watched me, shell shocked as I finished every last bit of it.

Of course, the night had to come to an end sooner rather than later. He dropped me off at the end of my street, getting out to open my door and hugging me tightly, like he was afraid that this was the last time we would see each other. I reassured him that we'd meet again soon and he eventually left. Leon quizzed me about where I had been but I didn't answer him, I was severely p*ssed off at him and I knew that, given the chance, I would lash out at him. He'd told Austin to stay away, sure he didn't know I had real feelings for him, but I think that is what he was afraid of...me developing feelings for Austin and having them broken when he left me for some slapper wearing tight clothes.

I went straight to bed when I got in and woke up this morning feeling refreshed and happy. I woke up with a huge smile on my face and I couldn't seem to get rid of it. Carrie had the afternoon off since she had so many free lessons and decided to bring us a takeaway for lunch and let me explain everything to her. Once she got here, we scoffed down our pizza and put the Princess Diaries on, one of our favourite films.

"So when Austin got here what happened?" Carrie asked, taking a sip of her cola.

"Well I was shocked at first, considering Leon had basically threatened he would kill him if he came anywhere near me. But he came after me regardless. I was so p*ssed at him for ignoring me for months, I started to hit him. But he told me he couldn't carry on without me, like it was gravity pulling him towards me. It's so weird Carrie because...I feel the exact same way" I admitted shyly drinking the last of my cola.

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