Mr Right

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"You t-two are...cousins?" I asked astonished as my eyes flickered from Austin to Oscar. Austin's eyes were wide with shock, like I was the last person he wanted to see, which to be honest was probably true. No one said anything and Oscar had a confused expression plastered across his face. 

"So you guys, know each other?" He questioned.

Well, I don't think just 'knowing' each other would cut it. More like 'yeah he's the hottest guy in town and at school who I just so happened to have fallen in love with right after he knocked me up', but of course he doesn't know that. 

"Yeah we go to the same school" Austin cut in quickly. I frowned hurt and confused, he was supposed to be my friend, what the hell was that? Was that all I was to him? He made a big speech all those weeks ago about how he could be without me and now he was acting like I meant nothing?

"Oh shoot I left my wallet inside, hang on a sec" Oscar said before jogging back inside. Great, leave me alone with the guy I love who is avoiding/ ignoring me. The engine stopped and Austin got out and made his way towards me.

"Phone broke? I'm taking that's the reason you didn't call. Then again you could have come to see me, you have a habit of turning up unannounced, It's not like-"

"You kissed me!" Austin blurted. "What did you want me to do? To say?" He sighed running a hand through his thick black hair. "I don't know what you want from me Summer!" He said shaking his head.

"What I want from you?! I thought you were someone who I could count on! You're meant to be a friend! You said you couldn't stand to be away from me! Was it all lies?" I huffed throwing my arms up in the air. "Was I just a bet between your friends? Hey lets make a bet, who can mess about and piss off the pregnant girl, well guess what? You succeeded!" I shouted, my heart racing in my chest and my breathing becoming raged and fast.

"It wasn't like that S-"

"Really? Go on then do tell, what am I to you?" I interrupted him. "A joke? A slut? A stupid pregnant teen? A friend?" I paused, desperately wanting to scream 'more than a friend'. "I rang you that day, when my real mother wanted nothing to do with me. I thought you would be supportive" I said as my breathing returned to normal and I started to calm down.

"You said you cared" I whispered, allowing a few tears to fall down my cheeks. 

"Hey what's up?" Oscar returned looking between us. "Are you okay?" He asked, placing a hand on the small of my back, trying to comfort me.

"My mom called, I've to get home" I lied, rudely walking away, wanting to be anywhere but here.

"Summer, I can't leave you in this state, come on have a lift with us" Oscar said walking beside me.

"I am not getting in a car with him!" I declared, waddling along with my fat pregnant cankles hurting like hell.

"Fine, I'll carry you!" He said standing infront of me and crouching.

"Are you joking I'll kill you! I might look small but damn I must have gained at least another stone carrying my baby"

"I don't care, jump on! Your feet must be killing you". Sighing in defeat, I climbed onto his back and wrapped my arms loosely around his neck. He stood back up and began walking back towards my house, leaving Austin. I wanted to go back and have Austin answer all my questions that were flooding my brain. Am I a joke to you? Do I mean anything to you? Why did you kiss me back? Why didn't you call? We walked on in comfortable silence for a few minutes, my head resting on Oscar's shoulders. 

"Thanks Oscar" I said breaking the silence as we turned onto my street.

"Whatever my rebellious cousin has done now Summer, you don't deserve it. Don't worry he gives everyone sh*t all the time these days" He admitted nearing my house. "It's just you seem like a really nice girl and i'd hate to see him hurt you, like he does with every girl. You're probably better off without him"

"Can we not talk about him anymore, please"

"Sure" He replied, walking up to my door step and crouching so I could get off.

"Well, it was nice to meet you Oscar" I smiled weakly.

"This is not goodbye Summer, no way" He whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "I know you don't want a relationship, and I'm cool with that" He paused looking down at the ground. "It's just...I haven't been able to open up to anyone properly for years and you come along and..." He shrugged.

"I just know you must be special" He told me confidently looking into my eyes. "I'm going to give you my number, you probably won't call which I will totally understand, you have a little girl on the way and all, she's your number one priority. But if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here" He smiled handing a piece of paper with his digits written across it. 

"Call me day or night" He said, taking one of my hands and pressing his lips to it affectionately before letting it go slowly and stepping backwards down the drive, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Bye Summer"

"Bye Oscar"


Hours I sat in the same spot on the couch with the TV on with music playing on MTV, just thinking about Oscar. He'd been so nice to me, practically a total stranger to him. He opened up to me so easily, I wish Austin could be like him. I loved that he thought I was special, no one had ever said that about me and he didn't push me to go on a date with him. He simply gave me his number saying I could call him any time. I wondered whether secretly, everything he'd said was a lie. He was what, nearly 20 and wanted a family already? What 20 year old guy wanted to settle down so soon? Then again, what guy had gotten his girlfriend pregnant and wanted the child, only to have it taken away from you, within the blink of an eye. I really felt sorry for him, but my ability to trust him when I had only just met him, was low.

For once in the past months, I had actually been thinking of someone else that wasn't Austin. He was pushed to the back of my head as I thought about the kind, warm heart-ed guy who had told me something very private in his life. Was all of it true? Or was it just a pack of lies to get me to date him and later sleep with him? 

No, he isn't like that.

I couldn't get the image of him looking at me as he told me I was special. His blue eyes sparkled as he spoke sincerely and I took in his features. Their hair was not a feature they shared, Oscar's hair was a mucky blonde that looked almost brown and Oscar was quite tall compared to Austin, a good few inches taller. His shoulders were broad but he wasn't toned, in fact compared to Austin he was quite skinny instead of muscly.

Why are you thinking about him? What is the point?

Because I love him, he's my daughter's father.

So? He's an ass, why don't you just be with Oscar, he seems nice enough.

It wouldn't be right, he's not Austin.

Would Austin stick buy you and support you and your child?


Oscar is good for you, he's Mr Right and you know it.

I pulled my phone out from my pocket along with the crumpled piece of paper with Oscar's number written on it. I typed the digits into my phone and dialed. The phone rang for a few seconds until a familiar voice greeted me.

"Oscar? It's Summer" I smiled pausing."I could really use that chat"


Ooooh and the secret is still yet to be told. What will happen now that Oscar is in the picture? Will she become close to him? Will she ever stop loving Austin? What will happen when the little girl arrives and more importantly, what will she call her? Find out.... Comment/Vote/Follow! - Ally x

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