A Spark When We Kissed

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As I sat in the hospital chair, my feet tapped the cold floor violently as Callum and I waited for the results of our DNA test. He took hold of my hand and kissed the back of it softly, trying his best to calm me down. "Sum, it's going to be fine. Either way, whatever the outcome, I'll always be here" He confirmed, pulling an arm around me, allowing me to hug his side. I watched as the clock hanging on the wall ticked slowly as seconds, minutes past. The more time went by, the more nervous I got. I hoped Callum was my brother, but the idea of knowing my real mom, frightened and upset me. After all, she did give me up for adoption and kept Callum.We were twins, I mean who splits up twins? If you asked me, it didn't make sense in the slightest and I knew if the results came back positive, i'd have a lot of questions to be answered. I envied Callum because his mom kept him but I loved him the same and knew it wasn't his fault. I wouldn't trade the life I have now for another one either. Trisha and Henry were amazing parents, born with hearts of gold with so much love to give.

The doctor re-entered the room, smiling at us briefly as he shut the door behind him, holding a blue file under his arm. I swallowed, taking a deep breath in then exhailing out. This is it, the all important results. The results that could change my life. Callum unconsciously squeezed my hand tighter in his grasp, not looking at me but watching the doctors movements as he sat in the chair on the opposite side of the desk, opening the file slowly.

"Summer Blake and Callum Kane?" He asked, both of us nodding simaltaniously. He flicked through the sheets of paper and skim read the details until he found what he was looking for.

"I'm going to get straight to the answer because that's what you want" He paused pulling out a piece of paper that he then placed in front of us. "The test came back positive. You're frateneral twins" He announced. My let out a sigh of relief and happiness as I took in what he had just said. Callum is my brother, he's my twin! None of this had seemed real until now but I was glad to finally know the truth. Once the doctor finished we took the paper he had handed us as proof and held hands as we exited the hopsital.

Once safetly out of the building and down the stairs, we turned to each other, huge smiles on our faces as we screamed in happiness, jumping into each others arms. Callum picked me up, spinning me in the air and placing me back on the ground to hug me tightly. Tears of joy streamed down my face and for once in my life I didn't feel alone. I finally had someone I was actually related to. Someone I could be compared to like when my parents compared Leon to our relatives. I'd always felt left out when then did that but I acted as if it didn't bother me, I'd hate to think that they couldn't talk about that sort of thing because of me. "I can't believe this" I whispered as Callum rested his forehead against mine.

"You cannot imagine how happy I am right now" He admitted, his face shinning with happiness.

"Oh I can. I'd never felt like I fitted into anything, never been included properly, until now. I don't feel alone anymore, I can say that's my brother and actually mean it this time" I told him, as he wipped away my tears.

"I am never, ever losing you again!" He declared pulling me against him tightly again. "Come on, we are going out to celebrate!"

"Celebrate? Hello I can't drink, I'm pregnant and you couldn't get served anyway" I grinned laughing.

"Erm hello, I was talking about ice cream! I wouldn't want to jeprodize my niece's health! What kind of uncle do you think I am!" He grinned trying to act serious.

"Did you hear that little girl? Your uncle Cal is a softie" I grinned holding my ever growing baby bump. I was now 7 months pregnant and if I thought I couldn't walk before, I was struggling even more now. My midwife said if it gets so painful I need to go to and get crutches. But I figured it wouldn't get that bad, it's not like I'm carrying a dozen babies. Apparently only a few mom's suffered on their feet and according to my midwife, it usually meant the baby would be heavier than usual. Great, I'm going to have a fat baby.

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