I Need You

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As the car pulled up outside Cal's house, I couldn't help but feel nervous. Sure, I really wanted to get to know my real mom, find out why she gave me up, but right now? I could happily jump out of the car and run far, far away. But obviously, being pregnant doesn't exactly help.

"What's wrong?" Cal asked softly, sensing my discomfort. Damn twin senses.

"Nothing, I'm just nervous I guess.."

"Sum, there's nothing to be nervous about, she's going to love you" He declared, smiling warmly a me.

His words sounded so sincere, so true and I believed him. So we got out of the car and made our way towards his house. Cal took my hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze, reassuring me. He twisted the key in the lock and the front door swung open, revealing an empty hallway. I followed him inside, feeling my heart begin to race.

"Mom, are you in?" Cal asked, knowing full well she was home, he was just checking.

"Sure sweetie, I'm in the living room" Cara's calming voice replied. Callum smiled and tugged my hand towards the living room. I gulped and took in a deep breath, attempting to calm myself. We slowly made our way into the room, to be honest, it was like everything was happening in slow motion. The palm of my hand was sweating as my eyes met Cara's. I gave her a small smile and she returned it.

"Hello Summer, this is a nice surprise" She greeted me warmly, while Callum and I sat on the couch opposite. I allowed my eyes to glance around the room: family pictures were hung on the walls, Callum's school pictures were in a row, so you could almost see him growing.

"Mom" Callum paused, pulling my attention back to the situation at hand. "I have something to tell you" He swallowed and shivered lightly and I realised I wasn't the only nervous one. He'd seemed so confident she would love me, love to know I was her daughter. But right then, as Callum itched the back of his head uncomfortably, I knew he was having doubts.

"What's wrong sweetie? You can tell me anything-"

"Summer's my twin sister" Callum blurted, my eyes widening. I was sure he would go for the slow, breaking it down way but no, he just got straight to the point.

"And your daughter..." He finished, twiddling his fingers as he tried to read his mothers expression. Her face was pale and emotionless, I couldn't tell what she was thinking, or feeling. Her eyes were wide as she sat in shock and surprise.

I have a bad feeling about this.

"You don't have a twin sister Callum. Don't talk silly" She whispered glaring at him.

"But you do! I've seen the picture of you holding two babies, we took a test!" Callum explained pulling out the results and shoving them towards her. But she wouldn't look at it, not a glance. It was like she didn't want to know, she didn't want me. A tear rolled down my face and I couldn't help but feel my heart shatter into a million pieces.

She didn't want me.

Of course she didn't, that's why she kept him and not you.

I just wanted her to like me, to love me like she loved Callum...

I quickly got up, snatching my hand from Callum's grasp and running as fast as a pregnant woman could, out of there. My head was filling with questions upon questions and it felt as if I couldn't breathe. I wanted to curl up and scream, why doesn't she love me?! I knew I had to get away, I wasn't going to waste my time with a woman who didn't want me.

"Summer, wait!" Callum's voice called behind me, but I was already half way down the street, clutching my stomach as I fast walked, determined not to look back.

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