One Gorgeous Little Girl

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The sun roof was open along with the four other windows, my hair flowing in the breeze as Austin and I sang loudly to the lyrics of Ready For The Weekend by Calvin Harris. People looked over at us like we were freaks but I honestly couldn't care less! We had been singing in the car for at least 45 minutes by now and I couldn't shake the smile of happiness that had been permanently stretched across my lips since we set foot in the car. Austin had refused to tell me where he was taking me so I didn't pursue the matter any further, I just enjoyed being with him. The song finished and we laughed out of breath, almost crying. "I love that song!" I nearly shouted, a huge grin across my face as I exhaled, trying to regain my breath.

"Me too!" Austin smiled back happily, drumming his hand against the steering wheel.

"So, how much further till we reach our destination?" I asked turning to face him. Suddenly he burst into giggles as he indicated right, turning onto another road. "What?" I asked watching him as he tried to stop himself.

"You sounded like one of those Tom Tom GPS things!" He explained, his laugh slowly fading. "You have reached your destination!" He said pinching his nose so he sounded like a robot. I have to admit, I wanted to cry with laughter, but I resisted the urge and instead I crossed my arms over my chest and stuck out my bottom lip, trying to act upset.

"Don't do that with your arms"

"And why not?" 

"Because it shows off your boobs, and they're already big enough" He winked as I looked down and noticed my boobs nearly popping out of my dress.

"F*ck!" I cursed placing my hands over my face to hide my tomato blush face as Austin let out a small chuckle. I felt the car park and Austin walked round to my side, opening the door and pulling on one of my hands, interlacing our fingers and pulling me towards me as I got out. I gasped at the sudden touch and my stomach flipped giddily like a little kid on Christmas day.

"But I much prefer your eyes" He whispered, grinning.

My eyes...the eyes he said he'd remember if he'd seen before. Yet he was seeing them now and not realising I was the Arianna he had slept with months ago. "Why my eyes?" I asked, feeling his hot breath fan my face.

"They remind me of this girl, beautiful girl, I slept with her and I barely knew her. Yeah your probably thinking, well she isn't different from most girls I've slept with then... But she was. She had eyes just like yours and you remind me of her so much" He admitted. I swallowed deeply. Was he talking about me? Was I different from all the other girls he slept with? No, no way he must be talking about another girl, someone who is ten times better than me.

"She must be one special girl" I smiled weakly, wishing he'd notice it was me.

"She is, she really is" He said leaning his head to the side of my face and whispering slowly into my ear, placing a soft electric kiss on my cheek. My eyes closed at his soft touch and my stomach did summer-salts over and over until I felt sick. My arms took control and wrapped around his neck, wanting to have his body close to mine. He responded pulling me closer to him, so his strong arms were tightly around my body.

His face leaned down closer to mine and I could have sworn he was about to kiss me, if it not for my stomach kicking wildly. We jumped apart, both our eyes wide and looking down at my stomach. "Oh my gosh" I whispered, slowly placing the palms of my hands onto my stomach and feeling as my little girl kicked for the first time. I let out a gasp of happiness and a small tear rolled down my cheek.

"Is that the first time the baby has-"

"Kicked? Yeah, it's the first time she's ever kicked, wow"

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