New Changes

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"There you can look now" The hairdresser announces as she finishes blow drying my hair. After Carrie had dyed my hair, she thought something was...missing. So she took me to the hairdressers and paid for me to have a perm, so I had naturally curly hair. She insisted she paid, saying it was her treat but I will pay her back. 

I opened my eyes slowly and stared at my reflection in the full length mirror opposite me. I gasped in shock, is that really me? I ran my finger through a curl that framed my face and let it bounce back into place.

"Wow Sum, you look amazing!" Carrie said in surprise, grinning happily. "I told you something was missing! This totally completes your new look!"

"Thanks Carrie...I love it" I grinned happily. She quickly paid and we walked across the road, arms linked, towards the ice cream parlour. We'd been coming here since we first discovered it in primary with Trisha. We always ordered the same ice cream and sat in the same booth.

Pulling out some money I paid for our ice creams, seating at our regular spot in the quiet parlour. The rain had just started to pour down and the water droplets were slowly running down the glass Windows's as we enjoyed our ice cream. I sighed contented as I finished my ice cream, licking my lips in satisfaction. 

"So, what happens now?" Carrie asks, finishing her ice cream and pushing the bowl into the middle of the table.

"What do you mean?" I ask, still staring out of the window.

"With Austin? Are you going to talk to him in school? Wouldn't it be adooooorable if you two got together?" She explained, placing her head in her hands.

Sure Austin was hot and had this whole bad boy act going on that definitely attracted me to him, but he would never like a girl like me. As far as he is concerned, I'm just Leon Blake's sister. He probably doesn't even know Leon has a sister, people are always surprised when we say we're siblings. Of course, we look nothing alike and the only reason people believe us is because we both share the same pair of piercing blue eyes. They are so light blue and it's rare that anyone has them, but we both do. Henry says he has always loved my eyes since the first day they saw me. When I was little, he said that only angels have eyes as pretty as mine and I was an angel sent from the heavens to make them happy. Now I think about it, that was probably the nicest thing he has ever said to me. Sure, both Trish and Henry said they loved me but it wasn't what I wanted to hear, not really anyway.

"Earth to summer?!" Carrie said waving a hand in front of my face.

"What?" I asked, snapping out of my trance.

"I was saying about Austin-"

"Look can we just give that a rest?" I interrupted. "It's just I don't want to talk about it. It was just a one night stand, nothing more and there will never be anything more" I said shrugging a slipping out of the booth.

"Come on, lets go back to mine" I smiled, pulling up the hoodie on Leon's jacket and exiting the parlour. Together we dashed across the car park and quickly jumped out of the rain and into my car. My house was only a few minutes drive, normally we would have walked from my house to here but since we came from Carries house, I drove.

Pulling onto my driveway, I parked up and dashed towards the house, locking the car behind me. "Is that my Jack Wills hoodie? I was wondering where that had gone!" Leon greeted me, grunting in frustration whilst trying to wrestle the wet hoodie off me. "Oh it's yours? My mistake" I joked jumping up and pinching his cheek lightly. "You love me really little brother" I joked giving him a silly sloppy kiss on the cheek.

"Sum get the hell off!" He shouted, jumping away and wiping my cheek repeatedly. Giggling, I skipped off towards the kitchen, pulling out two glasses and pouring Carrie and I a Dr Pepper. "Boy your brother is so hot Sum, the things I would do-"

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