You've Broken Rules Before

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It had been two months since I found out my baby was a girl and I was now over 6 months pregnant. My ankles were swollen to hell and I couldn't walk for too long. My stomach was beyond big, which made me wonder what I'd look like when I was 9 months pregnant. My arms only just fit the steering wheel of my car and I knew mom was worried about me driving. Mom had also started painting the spare room into a nursery for my baby, painting the walls a light shade of pink and she  bought light wood coloured furniture. It was really starting to come together and it made it feel even more real.

Leon and I had become far closer. He was at home more to look after me and constantly nipping to the shop whenever I needed something, which didn't bother me but sort of made me feel useless at the same time. Carrie was ex-static when I told her the baby was a girl and immediately started coming up with baby names. Although, most of them were the wackiest names ever and to be honest, I just wanted a unique name, something special. I had a few names in mind but I figured I would know what to call her until I first held her.

I hadn't seen Austin for months. Ever since the day Leon had slammed the door in his face, he hadn't made any attempt to contact me. When I asked Leon about him he shrugged and changed the subject. I knew he kept warning him at school to stay away but what ever stopped Austin from doing what he wanted? No one. Not even the principal of our school, his own mother. He always broke the rules and did exactly what people told him not to. But as soon as Leon warned him off, he'd done as he was told and stayed away. 

It shouldn't have bothered me as much as it did really but how could it not? But I just couldn't get the thought of his lips on mine as he kissed me on the Ferris wheel at the carnival, out of my head. It was the best kiss ever, even better than the first one we'd shared together. The sparks flying through my body were electrifying and I couldn't understand why I felt this way. The butterflies, the electric shock from his touch. Was that normal? Must be, it's not like it means anything anyway. 

Callum and I had continued to get closer and closer. After the appointment at the hospital, he had been there for me whenever I needed him. He often dropped by my house after school too and we would hang out, talking about each other's day and me laughing at me as he told me about how our Art teacher would fall asleep half way through a lesson. He was really turning out to be a good friend and I was glad to have him. I found that we shared a lot of common interests that just made us get along with each other even more.

It was Wednesday, mom was at work and Carrie and Leon were at school whilst I had already finished my work and was enjoying watching John Tucker Must Die. I had to do something whilst everyone was gone and 99% of the time I would be watching a film or eating. Last week I went through four tubs of Ben and Jerry's ice cream and yet I wondered why I was fat. Carrie was due to come round after school again and take us to the mall so I could shop for maternity clothes. I could no longer fit my normal clothes and mom had been continuously buying me odd clothes every weekend.

Glancing over at the clock on the wall, it read 3:04, not long until Carrie and Leon would finish school. Sighing exhausted, I pulled myself up from the couch, switching of the TV and trudging up the stairs to my room. I decided on a long soak in the bath before getting ready. My stomach popped out of the  water and looked like a floating football. I rubbed body lotion onto my body and looked down at my terrible looking legs. My once skinny legs had lost there shape a little and my ankles just made me look worse. I didn't bother with skinny jeans because my ass for starters couldn't even fit into them.

Once out of the bath, I decided to wear one of my flowery maxy dresses with a long waterfall shaped cardigan over the top. It slightly hid my baby bump but to be honest, most of the kids at my school already knew I was pregnant. It didn't bother me because it was none of their business and it wasn't like I was at school to hear their gossiping. I shoved my phone, keys and mom's credit card into my bag and headed downstairs. Mom insisted on paying for everything so I had no choice. She gave my her credit card and told me to get whatever I needed. Now, for a 17 going on 18 year old teenage girl that is what I loved to hear; being able to spend tons of money on clothes.

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