A Part Of You

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It had been three weeks since we started back at school, and he still hadn't recognised me. After the first day back, I didn't see him much, maybe two or three times. He never looked my way, but why would he. He never paid me any attention and always looked saddened and pained, like he had been hurt. My stomach swirled and tightened like knots when I saw him upset. I wanted to reach out and comfort him but he didn't know that I was the secret 'Arianna'. And I intended on keeping it that way. I didn't want him to know that he'd slept with a nerd, his friends would probably tease him and he would probably laugh in my face.

It didn't stop me thinking about him though, or that night. I wanted to thank Carrie for getting me an invite to the party but I knew she'd just say 'I told you so'. She knew I wasn't the party type but still made me go. There was even a party this weekend, tonight in fact that she had somehow managed to get me invited to, again. Although, this time I declined. I had been feeling queasy all day and had stomach ache. I was lay on my bed with a mug of hot blackcurrant juice, in my dressing gown and PJ's watching Mean Girls, when my phone buzzed beside me.

Not going to the party, I'll come see that you're alright instead, you better have a tub of Ben and Jerrys in! - C xxxxx

I smiled happy, I knew she wanted to go, it was another opportunity to see Mark, but she always said that her girls came before guys. I loved how loyal and how good of a friend she was, she would drop all her plans just to see me or make sure I was okay. I knew she was looking forward to it as well, seeing as she made me go shopping with her after school on Wednesday to pick out a new dress.

Ten minutes later, she was knocking loudly on my front door. Grumpily, I slumped downstairs and let her in. "Wow Sum, you're pretty pale. Are you here all by yourself?" She asked.

"Yeah, Leon went to a friends then he's off to the party. Mom and Dad have gone food shopping" I explained whilst walking back up stairs. I froze at the top and clutched my stomach.

"Sum, are you okay?" Carrie asked concerned, placing a hand on my back.

"I think I'm going to be sick" I said darting towards the bathroom and hurling into the toilet. Carrie kneel-ed beside me holding back my hair and rubbing my back comforting me. "Your never ill, is everything okay?" She asked when I had finished. She passed me a bottle of water from her bag and I took a big swig from it.

"Yeah, I think so. I mean, my period is late but they're normally all over the place" I shrugged, wiping my mouth. Carrie's eyes went wide, as if she'd just figured something out.

"What?" I said gulping nervously.

"When you and you know who did you know what at Mark's party, he erm...did use protection right?" She asked hopefully. Now she mentioned it, I didn't remember. Did he use protection? Well at the time I didn't care but right now I was more worried than ever.

"I don't know" I whispered.

"What?" She said nervously.

"I don't know okay!" I snapped, pulling my knee's up to my chest.

"Okay Sum, I'm going to go to the chemist and grab a pregnancy test. Don't panic, you could just have a bug. But even if it isn't" She paused placing a hand on my shoulder. "Everything will be okay, I promise" She smiled weakly, quickly running down the stairs, taking my set of house keys and leaving for the chemist.

What if I was pregnant? What if I was carrying Austin's baby? A little part of him, living inside of me, someone that would remind me of him forever. What if it looked just like him? His black hair, his brown eyes, his killer looks. Would I have to tell him? Confess that I was in-fact the girl he slept with? That there was no Arianna, it was all just a lie? Oh god I feel sick again.

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