Chapter 2 (I have no idea for the title)

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3rd person P.O.V:

Tree and Black Hole leave the forest together. While they were walking, Tree pulls out his phone to check the time '12:36 PM' wth, how long was I in there? Tree thought. They continued walking until they reached Tree's house. They enter the house.
"No one's here... Let's go" Tree said as they walked to his room. They enter the room and Black Hole sits down. "I'll get the first aid kit... " Tree said opening the door. Tree leaves the room.

Black Hole looks around the room. "I'm back.. " Tree said with a first aid kit. Tree opens the aid kit and got some alcohol.


Tree puts the bandage back in the aid kit. "I'm putting this back... Be right back" Tree said as he left the room.

Tree P.O.V:

I closed the door and went to the bathroom. I put the aid kit in the cabinet and left. "Hey Tree! You've been gone for awhile.. " Pen said "I've been here since 12 pm... " I replied "Oh... " I went back to my room. "I'm back... Again.. " I sat on my bed next to Black Hole. "So..... Wanna tell me why you were in the forest?" I asked, looking at Black Hole "Well... Promise not to freak out.."
"Okay... I promise.. " Black Hole continued "I'm from space... " "I know.. " I announced "Your name is literally 'Black Hole' " I continued "why'd you leave space? "
"I-" The door suddenly opened "Tree we're leaving now! " Liy said. ".... Who is that? " "Just a friend... " I answered "Okay.... Bye.. " Liy closed the door behind her and left.

"Well.... Want to stay here? " I asked Black Hole "... Sure.. " I get a mattress from the side of my cabinet and puts it on the floor. "I'll sleep on the mattress and you sleep on my bed.. " I said while putting pillows on the mattress. I finish setting up the bed "You hungry? " I asked, standing up "Yeah... " Black Hole replied.I open the the door and went to the kitchen.I get a apple and went back to my room. "Here.. " I said, giving it to Black Hole.Black Hole bites the apple. "Yummy... " Black Hole continues eating the apple.


I turn off the light and sat on the mattress "Goodnight Black Hole... " I said, laying on the mattress "Night... " Black Hole replied. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.



I grab my phone and answered it "What? "I muttered, trying to keep my eyes open. " Wanna go to the park at 5 pm? " Remote asked "Sure.... " "Bye! "Remote ends the call. I stand up and left the room. I went to the kitchen and got a frying pan from the cabinet. I get two eggs from the fridge and put it on the counter. I turn the fire on and put some oil on the frying pan. I get one egg and cracked it.

Black Hole P.O.V:

I open my eyes and yawn " where am I? " I mumbled, looking around "Oh yeah...Tree let me stay here.... " I get off his bed and left the room. I go to the kitchen to see Tree doing something. Tree turns around and sees me "Oh.. Hey BH, you're awake" Tree said putting a plate on the table "Hey..... Wait.. BH? " I asked "Yeah! It's a nickname I made for you" Tree replied, putting another plate on the table. "C'mon, let's eat.. " Tree said patting the chair next to him. "Ok... " I replied. I sit next to Tree and start eating.

Tree's P.O.V

"Black Hole,wanna come with me to the park? " I asked "Sure... " Black Hole replied. I pulled out my phone and called Remote. "Hey Remote! Can I bring a friend? " "Sure! " Remote answered "Thanks! Bye.. " "Bye! " I end the call and put my phone on the table. "BH, I'm gonna take a shower okay? " I told Black Hole "Ok! " I enter the bathroom and closed the door.

Black Hole P.O.V

I looked around the room. He's got a pretty clean house.. I thought. I sat down on the couch. The bathroom door opens. "Black Hole it's your turn! " Tree told me. I stand up and walked to the bathroom.


Tree puts on his shoes and stands up."Let's go! " Tree said excitedly. He opened the door and left. I followed him until we reached the park.

Tree P.O.V

I held Black Hole's hand and walked to my friends "Hey guys! " I said walking to them "Tree! You're here! " Marker shouted as he ran to me. Marker hugged me tightly "Marker- I can't breathe-" I said "Oh! Sorry..." Marker apologized as he let go of me "It's okay.. " I said while standing up.


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