Chapter 5 - The beach

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Tree's P.O.V

I watch some videos on tiktok. Marker runs to me. "Tree? " "Yeah? " I replied. "Can we go to the beach? "Marker asks me. I nod. " Yes! I'm gonna go home. Bye! " "Bye! " Marker leaves. I stand up and walk to my room. I opened the door and went inside. Looks like he's still sleeping. I walk to Black Hole and shake him slightly. "Black Hole.. Wake up.. " I say as I continue to shake him. Black Hole slightly opens his eyes. "Hm? "He hums tiredly. " We're gonna go to the beach.. Wake up... " "Whyyy? " Black Hole questioned me. "For fun.. "I replied. Black Hole sits up and rubs his eyes. " C'mon, let's get dressed up. "He nods. I pull out my phone and click the message app.

Death P.A.C.T

Tree: Hey guys! Wanna go to the beach?

Pie: sure why not

Pillow: no thanks! I'm busy

Liy: sure


Fanny:  Sure, I have nothing better to do

Remote: yes

Tree replies to Pillow: Busy doing what?

Pillow: .... You don't wanna know..

Tree: .. Ok..

I put my phone on the table and opened the cabinet. What to wear? I searched the cabinet for some clothes. I grabbed a sleeveless shirt. I can wear this to the beach. I grabbed another sleeveless shirt that is bigger on me. " Black Hole! You can wear this to the beach! "I tell him. Black Hole grabs the shirt. I left the room and went to the bathroom. I change my clothes. I look in the mirror. Damn.. I look fucking ugly. I left the bathroom. I opened my bedroom door. "Black Hole you done-" I look at Black Hole. OH MY GOSH. WHY THE FUCK AM I BLUSHING. HE'S JUST WEARING A SLEEVELESS SHIRT. AHHHHH. I feel my face turn red. "Tree? Are you okay? " Black Hole questioned me.

I snap back to reality. I nod. I went back to the cabinet and grabbed two towels. "You can wait in the living room. "I say to Black Hole. I leave the room and went to the kitchen. I opened the drawer and grabbed some snacks. I closed the drawer and opened the fridge. I grab 10 water bottles. I closed the fridge and left the kitchen. I put it in my bag. (just pretend he grabbed a bag) " C'mon Black Hole, we're leaving! " Black Hole stands up. I leave the house and Black Hole follows behind. I feel like I'm missing something. Oh yeah. The car keys. "Black Hole, wait here." I go inside my house grabbed the car keys. I go outside. I walk to my car. I opened the door. "Black Hole,we're leaving. "Black Hole goes to me. I get inside the car. Black Hole sits at the back seat. I start the car and drove.

Time skip

We get to the beach. I see that Marker, Fanny, Liy, Pen, and Remote are the only one's there. I got out of the car. Black hole also gets out of the car. I hold Black Hole's hand and went to them.
" Hey guys! "
"If you're gonna ask where the others are, they are still preparing to come here. "
"... Ok? "
"... "
"I brought snacks and water.. "
I told them. Marker runs up to me. He's wet. He probably went swimming already. "Can I have water? I'm so thirstyyy. " Marker asks me. I give him a water bottle. He quickly opens the cap and drinks it. "Thank you! " Marker shouts as he goes back to the water.
Black Hole taps me on my shoulder. "Yeah? " I look at Black Hole. He points to the sky. I look up to see Lightning with Pie on his back. Lighting looks at us and flies down. Lighting sits on the sand as Pie gets off his back. "Pie, I think you broke my back.. " Lighting says to Pie. "Okay?.. " ".... What do you mean 'okay?'." I turn to look at Black Hole. "Wanna go swimming? " He shakes his head. I stand up and walk to the water. Lightning and Marker are splashing each other with water. "Ow! You got water in my eyes! " "Sorry!" I frown. Someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around to see Pen. "You good? " He asks me. I nod. "You don't look good.. " He told me. "I'm fine. " I say as I walk away. He follows behind. I turn to look at him.

"What do you want? "

"I wanted to check on you.. "

"Well.. I'm fine.. "

"You don't look fine-"

"I am okay! "

"No, you are not."

".... "

We stand in silence for a while. I walk away again. He follows behind again. I turn to look at him again.

"Stop following me! "

"Just tell me the truth and I'll leave you alone..."

I stare at him. He's really getting on my nerves. "I've got a lot in my mind, okay? I told you the truth. " I tell him. He looks like he still doesn't believe me. I walk away from him and this time he doesn't follow. "You're still lying."He says. I ignored him and continued walking away. Well, I was right. He doesn't believe me!


Author's note:

If you're wondering why Tree got sad, he remembered something from his childhood when he was looking at Marker and Lighting. What he remembered was a bad memory.

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