Chapter 14

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Hello! I am posting chapter 14 before I leave so you guys can read something. I'll be gone for one week. Hope you enjoy the chapter!

"Tree.. Tree.. Hey Tree.. Wake up.." Black Hole says as he shakes Tree slightly. Tree wakes up. "What?" Tree mumbled. "Your phone keeps ringing." Black Hole says. Tree sits up. He grabs his phone. He answers the call. "Hello?" Tree says. "Sure.. Ok.. What time? Ok.. Bye.." Tree ends the call. "Who were you talking to?" Black Hole asks. "Pen.. He asked me if I wanted to go to his house to have a movie night." Tree says. Black Hole sits next to Tree. "Tree?" Tree looks at Black Hole. "Yeah?" "Why do you sleep in the afternoon?" Black Hole asks Tree. "Uh.. I get tired sometimes so I sleep.." Tree says. Black Hole nods. They sit in silence. "What time are we going to Pen's house?" Black Hole questions. ".. 7:30 PM" Tree answers.

Tree checks his phone. '5:54 PM' Tree stands up. "I'll get the stuff for the movie night ready and then we'll go to Pen's house." Tree says as he opened the door. Tree leaves the room. Black Hole looks around the room. He notices the drawer slightly open. He walks to the drawer and opens it. His eyes widen. He pulls out a razor blade with blood on it. "Yo Black Hole, what do you want to bring to Pen's house?" Tree says as he enters the room. Black Hole drops the blade and closes the drawer. "Just.. Chips.." Black Hole said as he smiled awkwardly. "What were you doing?" Tree questions. "Uh... How about we get ready?" Black Hole says as he walks past Tree. Tree watches as Black Hole leaves the room. 'That was weird' Tree thought. Tree leaves the room to see Black Hole brushing his hair. Tree looks away and walks to the kitchen. He grabs the bag and puts chips inside of it. He leaves the kitchen. He goes to the living room. Black Hole is tying his shoes. Tree grabs his shoes and wears it. He ties his shoes.

Tree stands up. He checks his phone. '6:29 PM' Tree puts his phone in his pocket. Tree grabs his car keys. Tree wears the bag. black Hole walks to him. Tree opens the door. They leave the house. They walk to the car. Tree and Black Hole get inside the car. Tree starts the car. They reach Pen's house. They get out of the car. Tree walks to Pen's door and knocks on it. Black Hole follows behind. The door opens. "Hey Tree!" Pen says. "Come on in!" Tree and Black Hole walk inside. "Hey Tree!" Marker runs to Tree. "Hey Marker.." Tree says as he patted Marker's head.

Black Hole sits down on the couch. Tree sits next to Black Hole. "So Pen.. Where are the others?" Tree questions Pen. "Oh.. They're coming here right now." Pen says as he turned on the TV. "We're here!" Remote said as she kicked down the door. "Hey! You might break my door.." Pen says. "Sorry." Remote says as she walked to the couch. The others walk inside. "So what movie are we going to watch?" Lighting asks Pen as he sat down on the couch. "I don't know yet... How about horror movies.. Do you guys want to watch horror movies?" Pen says. They all nod. Pen sits down on the couch. "What movie are we watching?" Pen asks them. "How about The Conjuring the devil made me do it." Fanny suggested. "You guys want to watch it?" Pen asks them. "I haven't watched it so yeah.." Tree says. Pen clicks the movie. The movie starts playing. Pen turns off the lights. Tree leans next to Black Hole. In the movie, the kid is jumping on the water bed. The bed breaks and the water spills out. A hand suddenly comes out and grabs the kid. The kid starts to scream. As they watch the movie, Back Hole taps Liy's shoulder. Liy turns her head towards Black Hole. "Can I talk to you.. Privately?" Black Hole whispered. Liy nods. They stand up. "Where you guys going?" Pen asks. "We're getting water in the kitchen." Liy said. They walk to the kitchen.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Liy said as she leaned on the wall. "It's about Tree.." Black Hole says. "Go on.." Liy says. "Well.. Earlier, I was alone in his room. I saw his drawer slightly opened so I went to check what was inside..." Black Hole pauses. "I saw.. A blade with blood on it.." Black Hole said. Liy's eyes widen. "I thought he was okay.." Liy mumbles. "We should go back.." Black Hole says. They go back. They sit down and watch.

Time skip

In the movie, A woman is holding the hand of a corpse. She starts seeing visions. Her husband is guarding her. The light turns off. The husband goes to the light switch and turn the lights back on. He hears a sound. He slowly turns his head towards the sound. He sees a dead corpse standing. The corpse turns around. The corpse starts running towards his wife. "AHH!" Marker falls off the couch and Tree flinches. "Marker! You good?" Lightning asks Marker. Marker gives a thumbs up. Tree leans into Black Hole. "You okay Tree?" Black Hole whispered. Tree nods. They continue to watch the movie. Minutes go by and they reach the ending of the movie. The movie ends. "I'm going to bed, goodnight." Marker says as he leaves. Tree and Black Hole stand up. "We're leaving. Goodnight guys.." Tree says. Tree opens the door and they leave the house. Tree and Black Hole walk to the car. They go inside. Tree starts the car. Tree drives home. They leave the car. Tree walks to the door and opens it. Black Hole follows behind. They take off their shoes. They walk to the bedroom and go inside. Tree collapses on the bed. "I'm so tired..." Tree says. Black Hole lays down next to him. "Goodnight BH.." "Goodnight Tree." Black Hole wraps his arms around Tree. Tree puts his head on Black Hole's chest. They fall asleep.



Hi guys! Hope you enjoyed the story!
I'll see you guys on May 18!

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