Chapter 12.

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I wanted to say that I would do 3rd person povs from now on but I might also do some povs on other characters!
I also decided to come back early<3


Tree wakes up. He looks to his side. Black Hole has his arms wrapped around him. Tree yawns. Tree removes Black Hole's arm around him and sits up. Black Hole grabs him and wraps his arms around Tree. "Black Hole.." Tree tries to remove Black Hole's arms. Black Hole hugs him tighter. "Black Hole- I can't- breathe-." Tree pushes Black Hole off of him. Black Hole falls off the bed. "Shit! Sorry Black Hole!" Black Hole sits up. "Ow.." Black Hole touches his head. Tree gets off his bed and helps Black Hole up. "What was that for.." Black Hole asks with a confused expression on his face. "You wouldn't let me leave the bed.." Tree replies. Tree leaves the room. Black Hole follows behind. "What do you want to eat?" Tree asks Black Hole as he looked into the fridge. "Oh.. I'm not hungry.." Black Hole says. Tree looks at Black Hole with a slightly concerned look on his face. "Are you sure? You haven't eaten in days because... Y'know.." Tree cuts off his sentence. "I'm sure.." Black Hole replies. Tree turns his head back towards the fridge. Black Hole takes a step away from the kitchen. "Black Hole." "Yeah?" "Wanna go to the park later?" ".. Sure.."

Time skip

Tree and Black Hole are getting ready to those to the park. Tree is tying his shoes while Black Hole is putting on his hoodie. "Black Hole, you done?" Tree asks Black Hole. "Yeah. Let's go." Black Hole replies as he walked to Tree. Tree opens the door and they leave the house. "We're going to walk there." Tree says as walked. "Why? You have a car right?" Black Hole says. Tree nods." I have a car but Leafy is borrowing it." "She doesn't have a car?" "Yes." They walk in silence. They reach the park. They see Death PACT in the distance. Tree walks to them. Black Hole follows behind. "Hey Tree!" Marker says as he ran to Tree. Marker hugs him and Tree hugs back. Marker pulls away from the hug. "Black Hole! You're awake! I missed you!" Marker hugs Black Hole. 'Missed me?' Black Hole thought. Marker stops hugging Black Hole. Marker walks to the others while Tree follows behind. Pen walks to Black Hole. "Hey Black Hole! I need to talk to you about something." Pen says as he dragged Black Hole away from the others.

"What did you want to talk about?" Black Hole asked as Pen stopped dragging Black Hole. "It's about uh.. Tree." Pen says as they went behind a tree. "He hasn't been sleeping since you uh.. Tried to kill yourself." Pen says. "Wait what? Why?" Black Hole asked with a concerned expression on his face. "I don't know why.. Just ask him if you want to." Pen says. Some shouting can be heard. "MARKER STOP EATING DIRT!" Lightning shouted. "NO!" Marker shouted back. "Well, I better talk to Marker." Pen says as he left. Black hole walks to Tree. "Tree?" "Yeah?" Tree turns around. "I want to talk to you.." Black Hole says as he grabbed Tree's hand. They walk away from the others. They come to a stop. "What did you want to talk about?" Tree asked. "Pen told me you haven't been sleeping since I tried to kill myself." Black Hole said. "Why?" Black Hole looked at Tree. "I- I didn't sleep because.." Tree looks away. "I lost another loved one. I lost you. I couldn't sleep because.. I.. Couldn't bare of the thought of losing you.(I think I did this wrong) Tree says, his voice shaking. Black Hole walks to Tree and hugs him.

Tree hugs back. They hug for a while. Tree pulls away from the hug. "C'mon, let's go back." They go back to the group. Tree talks with the others while Black Hole is just looking around. He sees a girl sitting on a bench. 'She looks familiar..' Black Hole thought. He walks to the girl. The girl hears the footsteps and turns around. "FU- Oh... Hi Black Hole!" The girl says. "You look familiar." Black Hole says. "You don't remember me? It's me? Sketchbook?" Sketchbook shows him their drawing book. "Oh.. I remember you now.." Black Hole says. Meanwhile with the death PACT, they're panicking because Black Hole suddenly disappeared. Tree walks back and forth. "Tree calm down, he probably just.. Uh.." Pen tried to calm Tree down. Tree mutters to himself. Fanny looks around. She sees Black Hole talking to a girl. "He's over there." Fanny points to Black Hole. Tree looks where Fanny is pointing. Tree runs to Black Hole. "Tree wait!" Pen chases after Tree. Tree hugs Black Hole from behind. Black Hole turns around. "Hey Tree!" "Black Hole don't run off like that. You got me worried." Tree says as he stopped hugging Black Hole. Meanwhile with Sketchbook, she's just watching Tree and Black Hole. Someone taps their shoulder. Sketchbook turns around. "Hey mama!" Sketchbook says. "You were supposed to be home earlier. It's 6 pm, you were supposed to be home at 4 pm sharp." The person says. "Sorry Dahlia.. I lost track of time.." Sketchbook says as they scratched their neck. "C'mon let's go. Your mom's gonna get mad." "Okay.." Sketchbook stands up and they walk away. Black Hole turns around. "Where's Sketchbook?" Black Hole asks. "I don't know." Tree says. They go back to the group, they say their goodbyes, they leave.



Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter.
Dahlia is my bffs oc!
Dahlia is a doll.
The ending is kind of lazy..

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