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Nicole's pov:

I was currently on my kitchen floor crying in pain. I was on my period and cramps were kicking my ass. My boyfriend Gustav wasn't home so I was alone. How'd I end up on the floor? Well I was grabbing some painkillers when I felt super weak and I was in so much pain I had just collapsed onto the floor. I heard keys jingle and saw Gustav walk in. He looked for me and saw me on the kitchen floor and ran to my aid.
"Baby what happened are you okay?" He asked frantically. I couldn't mutter anything out but 'pain'. He held me tightly.
"Do you need to go to the hospital?" He asked. I shook my head no and he sighed with relief. He nodded and lightly picked me up and carried me to the couch. Once I had calmed down a bit he held my hand softly and asked what had happened.
"My cramps were bad so I went to grab medicine and I just collapsed..I don't know.." I sniffled. Gustav frowned and hugged me and kissed me. I kissed back and he grabbed the medicine,water,a heating pad, and my cat ransom. He curled into a ball on my lap and purred.
"Thank you baby...I love you.." I smiled softly.
"You're welcome darling.." he kissed my head and I laid down feeling a lot better now that Gustav was with me. It only took my perfect boyfriend to make it all better

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