What about me

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Nicole's pov:

I was sitting in me and Gustav's room waiting for him to finish gaming however many hours have passed and there was no sign of him turning off the gaming console. Him neglecting me to game had been going on for months now and I was sick of it! I had tried everything to get his attention! Getting all dressed up,suggesting we do stuff together,asking him to get off his game many times but nothing has worked! The other night he had promised to take me out on a date tonight but surprise he forgot. I had reminded him many times but still nothing. I decided this ended now. I walked out of our room and got my purse and shoes on and left to go walk around town since my boyfriend was too "busy" for me. It had been a few hours since I had left and I don't think he even noticed I was gone..

Gustav's pov:

I had finished a round of a game I was playing and realized Nicole wasn't in the room anymore. I didn't think much of it until I noticed she wasn't home. I tried calling her but every time it would just go to voice mail. Guilt started to set in and I knew I had messed up..I waited anxiously for her to come home. Another hour went by and I heard the front door open. I looked back and saw her. Her eyes widened and I could tell she was shocked I got off the game. I bit my cheek as I watched her not say anything and walk into our room. I frowned and followed her. She was getting ready for bed since it was pretty late and I felt horrible for prioritizing my video games over my own girlfriend. I waited for her to be done and hugged her waist.
"Baby..I'm sorry.." I mumbled into her shoulder.
"It's fine..at least you're off the game.." she shrugged. And climbed into bed. I bit my lip and followed,climbing onto my side of the bed. I could tell she was still pissed off because she faced the wall instead of me. I sighed and played with her hair that was sprawled onto the pillow. Even with that she didn't even look at me. I knew I had to find ways to make it up to her and fell asleep praying she would forgive me.

The next day: Nicole's pov:

I woke up feeling arms around me and saw Gustav sleeping and smiled a bit. I wanted to be mad at him but I had to admit he was a cute sleeper. I tried getting up but was immediately pulled back down.
"I want to cuddle you..you deserve more attention meine liebe.." he mumbled,still half asleep. I decided to let him cuddle me since I knew he was probably going to game later and forget he even had a girlfriend.
"Are you still mad.." he asked,rubbing my waist. In all honesty I wasn't even mad I was just upset that he would rather spend his break gaming than hanging out with me. I felt tears collecting in my eyes but I didn't want him to know so I just stayed quiet and shook my head.
"I know you're upset. You're not looking at me." He placed little kisses on my neck making me realize how much I missed him. I missed how he kissed me,held me,made me feel wanted but while gaming I felt like I didn't even matter to him. I broke down sobbing and was turned over by Gustav and curled into his chest.
"I missed you.." I cried into his chest and felt him rub my back.
"Oh god baby..I'm really fucking sorry..I'll make it up to you I promise.." Gustav continued to hold me until I stopped crying. When I was done I rested on his shoulder.
"Can I make it up to you..?" Gustav asked,breaking the silence. I smile and nodded. He smiled and told me to get dressed.
"I'm going to be a good boyfriend and take you on a date" he said before kissing my lips and leaving so I could get changed. I giggled and got ready for our date.

Gustav Schäfer x self insertWhere stories live. Discover now