Drunk confessions

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Gustav's pov:

Me,the guys and our friend Nicole were all at a party having fun when I started grabbing one too many drinks..my head felt woozy and I was starting to lose my sense of my surroundings. I felt thin arms wrap around me.

Nicole's pov:

I noticed Gustav was getting more and more drunk so I told the guys I was taking him home and they gave me a thumbs up and I got us an Uber. I heard Gustav slurring some nonsense when I heard my name.
"I can't tell her man..I'm too nervous around her.." he slurred resting his head on my shoulder.
"Who...?" I was hoping he was talking about me. I've liked Gustav for a while now but never had the courage to tell him how I felt.
"Nikki..she's just too perfect bill.." he whined slightly. I felt my heart race and my cheeks heat up..he thought I was bill. We got home and I took him upstairs and placed him on the bed. I took time to admire him. His slightly damp curly hair,his half lidded hazel eyes..his perfect lips..god I wanted it all. I got some fresh clothes and tugged off his shirt.
"Woah pretty lady not so fast..." he chuckled his sentence blurring together. I blushed and shook my head slightly. He was just drunk it didn't mean anything..
"Gus I need to get you into fresh clothes okay hun..?" I saw him nod slightly and I took that as a sign to start removing his clothes. Once he was changed I went to get him water and some medicine. As I was about to leave I heard him whine and felt a grip on my wrist.
"Don't go.." he muttered. His eyes looked down at his lap. I sighed and smiled softly. I stroked his chin with my pointer and thumb.
"I'll be back.." I assured and went to get the stuff. When I came back I placed the water and pills down and felt my waist being pulled. I squeaked and felt Gustav hug my waist.
"Please don't go..lay with me.." he pleaded. I smiled and nodded a bit. He rested his head on my chest and I felt him doze off. I ran my fingers through his hair and kissed his head softly.
"I wish I could tell you how I feel.." I muttered under my breath.

The next day: Gustav's pov:

I woke up with my head pounding and feeling dizzy. I felt warm breathing on my neck and saw Nicole with her arms around me. my face was hot and I immediately covered my face flustered. She stirred above me and too became flustered.
"Did we.." my voice trailed off as she frantically shook her head no.
"No no! You were drunk and begged me to stay with you.." her voice was wobbly and mumbled since her hands were covering her face. I smiled and removed her hands.
"Thank you..and Y'know I meant every word I said.." I saw her eyes go wide.
"You..like me..?" She stuttered. I nodded feeling super shy. She smiled and pecked my nose. I chuckled and pushed her onto the bed.
"I think you missed.." and I kissed her lips. She giggled and melted into the kiss. We pulled away and I held her as we laid and enjoyed each others company.

Gustav Schäfer x self insertWhere stories live. Discover now