You're just drunk

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Nicole's pov:

I was waiting for my boyfriend Gustav to come home when I heard the door slam open. I jumped and let out a yelp as I looked over at Gustav and saw he was absolutely drunk. I went to help but it came as a shock when he pushed me away.
"Who are you...?" He slurred,his breath smelling like alcohol. His voice had a tinge of harshness to it making me gulp.
"I'm your girlfriend hun.." my voice was trembling as I tried getting him to remember me and to get him to sleep off the alcohol. However he just scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"No..I would never date a slut like you..I date pretty girls..not girls like you.." he muttered. I held back tears while telling myself that he doesn't mean that and that he's only drunk. Once I managed to get him into fresh clothes and into bed I closed the door and flopped on the couch and let my feelings engulf me. Tears streamed down my face as Gustav's confession replayed in my head. Sure he got drunk sometimes but this was the first time he said something cruel like this. I hadn't noticed I had cried myself to sleep until I woke up with the sun in my face. I sighed and went to make myself some tea and Gustav some breakfast since I didn't eat breakfast. I heard the bedroom door open and felt strong arms wrap around me from behind.
"Thanks for helping me yesterday..." Gustav muttered into my shoulder. I only muttered a "mhm" and tried not to cry again. He turned me around and touched my cheek softly. Both wet and dried tears stained my cheeks making him worried.
"Baby..have you been crying? What happened?" Of course he wouldn't remember..I just brushed him off as I had a nightmare and left it at that. I could tell he didn't believe me but didn't ask anything further.

A few hours later: Gustav's pov:

It's been a few hours since I noticed Nikki crying and she still wouldn't tell me why. She's been pretty quiet all day..I wondered if I did anything wrong but I couldn't remember anything. I noticed a video in my camera roll I don't remember taking so I went to delete it but the sound started playing. When it ended I was horrified. I had hoped it wasn't me but the shoes and voice were mine..I instantly felt horrible and went to find Nikki. She was on her phone crying a bit. I didn't say anything and only wrapped my arms around her and kissed her cheek.
"What you said really hurt.." she sobbed. I nodded softly.
"I know and I'm so sorry angel.." I muttered into her shoulder. She shrugged softly but I took her face into my hands softly,while squeezing her cheeks.
"Don't shrug like it's's're the most beautiful person in the world and I'm sorry about yesterday. You've been crying all day, If it was okay you wouldn't be crying..please let me make it up to you.." I saw her eyes tear up. I frowned and kissed her pouted lips. She giggled and I placed my hands on her waist. She smiled and wiped some of her tears and kissed my cheek making me smile. I then pulled her in my lap and flopped to the side so I was spooning her. She smiled and held onto me. I kissed her head making blush. After a moment we calmed down and laid there holding each other. I still felt horrible though..Nikki wasn't crying but I still felt guilty. I could feel her shift and laid me on her lap.
"I can tell you feel bad..don't..I forgive you.." she assured. I kissed her again and held her cheek.
"You truly are an angel.." this made her smile and we laid there enjoying each others company.

Gustav Schäfer x self insertWhere stories live. Discover now