Time together

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Nicole's pov:

Me and Gustav were in the middle of an argument that didn't seem to resolve and only got worse. He was yelling,I was yelling,we were both yelling at this point.
"Y'know I feel like you don't care about me or my feelings because all you do now is go to the bar and drink! You never make time for me when you can-" I was shut up with a harsh slap to the face. I gasped and cupped my cheek. Gustav stood there with his hand still raised and his eyes widened. I just wanted the argument to end so when he ran to apologize I just told him it was fine and went to our shared room so I can cry without being seen.

Gustav's pov:

The second my hand connected with Nikki's face I went pale. I ran to her and immediately started to apologize but she only brushed me off and went to our room. I didn't know if I should go check on her or give her space. I decided to sleep on the couch and check on her in the morning. When I woke up the next morning I noticed the time 9:37 am. Nikki still wasn't up but I still went to the room to check on her. I noticed her twitching a lot but when I moved closer I noticed she wasn't twitching or shifting..she was crying..how long has she been crying for? Had she cried all night or did she just start crying? I didn't know but all I cared about was caring for my girlfriend. I sat on my side of the bed and went to softly stroke her hair but noticed something on her cheek..a bruise..my eyes started to brim with tears. I didn't know what to do but hold her. She gasped,not expecting me to be there but soon just went limp. I couldn't formulate an apology and just started to kiss her bruised cheek all over. Her cries were starting to calm down.
"I really am sorry..." I sniffled, holding Nikki close. She didn't say anything and just played with my shirt. We laid there in silence for a while before I placed a kiss on her head. She burst into tears again and held me tightly. Any strength I had left immediately left and I started to cry with her.
"I missed you..I didn't mean what I said yesterday..I just missed you" she cried into my chest. I lifted her head up and wiped her cheeks.
"You shouldn't apologize,I should be apologizing. You're right,I should've been coming home instead of the bar..I don't see you enough as it is..I shouldn't have hit you,I still can't believe I did that to you.." I sniffled while stroking her wounded cheek. She smiled a bit and placed her hand on mine.
"I forgive you Gus..just promise me you'll tell me where you are from now on,I don't want you to get hurt and have to be alone.." I nodded and kissed her softly. She kissed back and rested her head on my shoulder. I rubbed little circles into her back and put on some of our favorite movies so we can enjoy our time together.

Gustav Schäfer x self insertWhere stories live. Discover now