"We're already dating dear"

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Georg's pov:

Me,the guys and Gustav's girlfriend were all at a bar when I noticed Gustav having a little too much to drink. Nicole excused herself to the bathroom when Gustav leaned his head on my shoulder.
"M'gonna tell her I like her man..she's so pretty and nice.." he slurred. This made me chuckle since they had been dating for 4 years now. I patted his shoulder and watched him stumble over to Nicole and place his head on her shoulder. She looked at me with concern I just laughed and shrugged my shoulders. She took him back to where we were all sitting and put him down.

Nicole's pov:

Gustav stumbled over to me and told me he had something to tell me. He was super drunk so I was nervous about what it would be. Would he admit something? Was everything okay? Did he want to break up? You know what they say, drunk words are sober thoughts..I was scared he was going to fall so I made him sit down. He held my hand and buried his head into my lower stomach.
"Nikki..I really like you..like really like you do you like me back.." he slurred,looking up at me with hopeful eyes. I started giggling and kissed his nose.
"Love..we've been dating for four years.. I don't just like you Gus, I love you." He smiled and pulled me onto his lap,nuzzling his face into my neck. I laughed and massaged the back of his hair.

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