I was just jealous

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Nicole's pov:

Me and my boyfriend Gustav were at a gathering with his work friends. It was pretty formal so I wore a fitted knee length red dress that was sparkly and had thin straps. I thought Gustav loved the dress but the whole time he didn't even look at me and if I tried to talk to him he would roll his eyes. I frowned and just kept quiet the rest of the time. I noticed the men would whisper from time to time and I could tell Gustav was getting more annoyed. I didn't know what they were saying to him but I would talk to him later to see what his attitude was about later. When we got into the car though, he slammed the door closed and took a deep breath. I frowned and placed my hand on his arm to comfort him however he snapped at me and pushed my hand away.
"Why must you dress like a slut everywhere we go? The whole time I had to hear about how hot you were from other guys. It wouldn't hurt to cover up from time to time." He hissed. I gasped and felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. I looked down at my dress and blinked away tears.
"I'm sorry..." I whispered,turning my head away so he wouldn't see me on the brink of tears.
"Fucking humiliating..you're fucking humiliating." Gustav mumbled,however I heard him loud and clear. I broke down in silent sobs and we drove in silence.

Gustav's pov:

Shame washed over me. All I felt was shame. I was fueled with jealousy to the point I took it out on my own girlfriend. Of course people would stare..she's gorgeous. We arrived home and she immediately ran into the house. I sighed and went inside hoping to apologize. When I got inside she was in the bathroom changing so I followed and changed into my pj's. I waited for her to get out and when she did she was wearing baggy clothes. I knew I had messed up since she always wore silk nightgowns around me since she loved to dress up for me, in her words.
"I'm not feeling well so I'm going to sleep on the couch." She muttered. Her eyes were puffy and her nose and cheeks were red. I was stunned. She left and went to the couch. I sat in complete silence and kept thinking about the hurtful stuff I had said. It wasn't her fault she was gorgeous,it wasn't her fault men couldn't keep their opinions to themselves,it wasn't her fault men couldn't keep their gazes appropriate..it wasn't her fault I was a horrible and jealous boyfriend..I fell asleep only hearing faint crying. I woke up the next morning and went to check on Nicole. She was still fast asleep but didn't look comfortable at all. I carefully picked her up and put her in the bed. I stroked her cheek and smiled a bit. I went to the kitchen to make us some breakfast. I heard shuffling behind me and saw Nicole. I hugged her and kissed her head but she didn't react.
"The guys asked if I wanted to go to lunch with them later..want to come with?" She shook her head no almost instantly. My heart broke knowing how much I must've hurt her yesterday.
"I'm sorry about yesterday..I shouldn't have spoken to you like that. I know I shouldn't use jealousy as an excuse..I'm sorry and I promise I'll make it up to you.." she looked up at me and tearfully asked if I meant it. I nodded and kissed her forehead.
"I mean it..you are the most gorgeous person to ever exist. Please wear whatever you want..you'll look amazing in anything.." she smiled a bit and rested her head on my chest. I knew it would take a bit for her to fully forgive me but as long as she wore whatever she wanted and was happy I was happy.

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