Missed birthday

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Nicole's pov:

Today was my birthday and I was planning to spend the day with my boyfriend and my friends however when I woke up I saw Gustav getting ready and when I asked him about it he told me about his plans with his band mates and their wives. my heart broke a bit but I told myself that I could always hang out with him later and that my friends and I could hang out in the mean time. When Gustav left I called some of my friends to see if they were still up for hanging out but they all had the same excuse. They all had plans,despite knowing it was my birthday. I said that it was fine and just hung up. I sighed and hoped Gustav would be home soon. I decided to pick myself up some of my favorite things to cheer me up and just watched some of the shows I was catching up on when I noticed how it was getting late and Gustav still wasn't home. I frowned and got ready for bed since I knew he wouldn't be home for a while. While I was scrolling through social media I found out all my friends were hanging out without me. I felt my mood dip even lower but what was the point my birthday wasn't important anyways. It never was..when I woke up the next day I felt Gustav's arms around me and felt relief but a sting of sadness in my heart. I sighed and got up so I could get ready to rehearse since I had a show tonight. I was tying up my hair when I felt strong arms wrap around my waist.
"Morning baby.." Gustav muttered into my neck,his voice lacing with tiredness. I didn't want to hold a grudge against him for what happened yesterday but I couldn't help but feel a little ice form in my heart.
"Good morning.." I replied in a dull and almost distracted manner. He pouted slightly and rested his chin on my shoulder.
"Whatcha thinking about, liebe?" He mumbled. I shrugged and kissed his head before getting my keys to leave. I could tell he knew something was off but he would probably forget after practice..

Gustav's pov:

I knew Nikki was upset and I just wanted to hold her and apologize and to make her feel loved again but I couldn't because I knew she would probably stay at rehearsals as long as possible just to avoid me and her friends. I heard what they had done and was upset with them that they would ditch Nicole like that but I knew I wasn't any better..I sighed and laid back down since I didn't have practice today. I couldn't fall asleep though and just decided to get up to start my day. I couldn't even bear looking at the date knowing I had missed my girl's special day. I knew her show started at 6:30 so I started getting ready. When her concert started I couldn't help but just admire what a beautiful and strong woman she is..I knew she had horrible anxiety and was an introvert but no one could tell from how she preformed. When she was done she blew kisses into the crowd before going to her dressing room.

Nicole's pov:

I got changed into comfy clothes and got my stuff to go home and as I was going down the steps I saw Gustav. I smiled a bit and gave him a hug. He held me tight and started to apologize.
"It's fine baby..I'll get over it.." I mumbled before reaching the steps of the stadium. However what I wasn't expecting was to be lifted off my feet and brought down the stairs. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his shoulder. when we got home I got changed and took off my makeup and joined him in bed. I felt his arms snake around my waist and him kissing up and down my neck.
"I really am sorry.." he mumbled into my neck.
"It's okay..truly it's okay..it's not important anyway..well it's getting late..goodnight gustavo.." I heard him sigh softly and soon drifted off. When I woke up I felt Gustav shaking me awake.
"M'whats wrong?" I mumbled tiredly.
"Get ready meine liebe. I'll explain everything after." He kissed my forehead before leaving. Confused, I got out of bed and put on a denim skirt and pink cropped shirt that tied in the front. It was simple but cute. I met Gustav in the living room and saw him light up.
"So where are we going?" I hummed.
"I'm taking you out and I'm going to make it up to you for missing your special day." Before I can answer he took my hand softly and we spent the day together. I truly couldn't ask for a better man

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