My beautiful girl

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Gustav's pov:

The guys and I all decided to go around LA and walk around when Georg had the great idea to invite Nicole,she was a good friend but a thing is that I really liked her. It wasn't a secret but I just couldn't tell her how I felt. We agreed and she came over. My heart started to race when I saw her in nothing but a lace tank top and flared leggings that accentuated her legs and thighs. My eyes wandered up and down her body. I swallowed the lump in my throat and we headed out. While walking Nicole was getting closer to me and looked upset.
"What's wrong Nikki?" I was super concerned as I looked behind us and noticed a guy following us. Instantly I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her to my side. She snuggled into me making me smile a bit. The guy didn't back off though and only got closer.
"Hey cutie I was thinking if I could get your number" the guys words were slurred so we knew he was drunk which made Nicole even more uncomfortable. I pulled her behind me and told her to go walk with the rest of the guys. She nodded and walked away. I turned back to the guy and crossed my arms.
"What's your problem man..?" He slurred pushing me slightly. He was a tad bit taller but I was definitely stronger.
"The problem is that you were clearly making her uncomfortable and not only that she's my girl so I would recommend you piss off." I threatened. He just grumbled and stumbled away. I sighed with relief and met up with the others. The guys had these stupid smirks on their faces making me and Nikki chuckle. She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me.
"Thanks for getting him away Gus" she muttered into my neck. I flushed red and embraced her hug. I felt her pull away and grip onto my hand. She pulled me to a more secluded area and took a deep breath. I was wondering what happened until I felt her soft lips on mine. I moaned softly into the kiss and wrapped my arms around her protectively. We pulled away with our foreheads still touching.
"Please be mine Nikki.." I begged holding her tighter. She cupped my face and nodded.
"Yes..I'll be yours and only yours.." she muttered. I picked her up by her thighs making her giggle and wrap her arms around my neck as I smiled and kissed her deeply while pinning her to a tree. We kissed for a few moments till we heard loud coughing and laughing. Our heads snapped towards the noises and we saw the guys laughing and whistling.
"So that's where you guys went" bill laughed. Me and Nicole blushed and separated but kept our pinkies intertwined. After a while of teasing we continued our walk with our hands conjoined and a faint smile on our face. I was finally with my beautiful girl..

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