Chapter 114: What it always is

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Day after the attack on Rhea and Lydia, the Dixon-Grimes woman woke up with some very bad news

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Day after the attack on Rhea and Lydia, the Dixon-Grimes woman woke up with some very bad news... Negan was gone. He had just vanished into thin air.

So within the next day, Daryl had planned a trip pronto to retrieve Negan from wherever he'd wandered off to. It was obvious to them that they couldn't let him escape.

He either lived with them or nowhere.

Rhea had kindly asked Carol to watch over Corina and R.J. back home as Daryl would not willingly send her out while her mental state was as it was. Rhea had packed their weapon and readied Dog to set off. Siddiq was coming along with one of his horses.

They set off and were there by noon, the gates were opening and letting them inside.

Rhea took a good look at the tree that had fallen through the fence.

It had completely massacred the wall and practically rendered it useless which was heavily inconvenient due to the fact that the Whisperers were throwing waves of walkers at them every other hour.

When Xander lent her a hand off of the horse, she saw Connie waving at them.

The couple and Daryl offered her one back and Daryl signaled talk later.

"No sign of Negan?" Ezekiel's voice came in through to their ears.

"Gone like the wind." Xander sighed, placing his hands on his hips.

Siddiq shook his hand, same with Daryl and Xander, while he gave the woman a hug.

"Searched all day and night but no sign of him." The doctor informed.

"Keep thinkin' about what he took from us and what we didn't take from him." The former king grumbled, letting out a few coughs "Alexandria deserved better."

"Hey, you've had your trouble, too." Xander pointed out to the fallen tree.

Rhea couldn't help but notice that ever since the fire, Ezekiel had been more out of breath than ever. Perhaps the toxicity of the smoke had affected his lungs, or something else.

Her mouth parted slightly "You've been coughing like that for a while. Everything okay?"

"Just fine." He waved her off "Which brings me to the fact. We could use a hand in the infirmary. Much of the Kingdom's still in recovery from the tree fall."

Siddiq looked towards Daryl, Xander and Rhea first "We were planning on, uh, leaving tomorrow... but yeah. Of course. Whatever you need."

The two exchanged another handshake and Siddiq disappeared into where the injured were supposedly waiting.

Rhea wondered whether she should have joined him, beside the fact that she was Hilltop's leader she was also one of the doctors here.

Although, it had never been her main focus as it had been planned when she first arrived at Alexandria with the former group they had.

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