Chapter 121: Look at the flowers

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The next morning Xander and Daryl woke up early, so they could go and look for Lydia

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The next morning Xander and Daryl woke up early, so they could go and look for Lydia. They let Rhea to sleep and stay with Corina, Xander took his sword and he and Daryl left the house. They walked through the woods for like hours, until finally they found a small shack.

"Daryl..." Xander whispered, and pointed the shack.

The Dixon man nodded his head "I see it."

He held up his crossbow, while Xander was ready with his sword, and the both of them walked towards the shed. Daryl checked their surroundings, before he opened the door slowly and then slammed it open with his crossbow raised.

Xander lowered his sword, there was no one there except one wooden cahir with straps on it.

Xander sighed as he lowered his sword "Someone was definately here." He told the Dixon man.

"Was.." Daryl corrected the young man.

"Hmmmm..." Xander looked outside the shed, "Mother fucker." He cursed.

"What?" Daryl asked, as he looked outside then he quickly shut the door and pushed Xander on one side and himself on the other.

A person walked over the shack, as he opened the door he stopped, when he noticed the empty chair. Suddenly Daryl rushed towards him and punched him in the face.

"God!" Negan groaned and looked up at Daryl. He was pushed against the wall and Daryl held up his crossbow, while Xander had his sword.

"Where's Alpha?" Daryl asked firmly.

"Look, whatever Lydia told you..." He breathed out, but Daryl demanded answers "She is dead. She is dead. I killed her."

"Nah we want the truth asshole." Xander hissed and pointed his sword under his chin.

"I am not lying. I have something in my pocket. It's not a weapon. I am slowly gonna reach for it." He reached into his pocket to pull out something.

Xander grabbed the idem and looked at it "Holy shit-" His eyes widen, as he saw Alpha's mast in his gasp.

"Her mask ain't her head." Daryl grunted.

"I know I'm getting to that." Negan tried to explaied, but Daryl interruped him.

"Well, then, get to it." Daryl glared at him shoving his crossbow in his face.

"The whole reason I threw in with them, was so I could get close enough to Alpha and slit her throat." Negan rambled out "Now, you talk about 'silencing the Whisperers.' I silenced the Alpha. Why the hell else would you think that your girlfriend let me outta that cell?"

Xander furrowed his brows in confusion at first, wondering who he was on about. But once he realized who he was talking about. Xander slightly lowered his sword "She wouldn't..."

"Oh she did." Negan sighed.

"Now, you say you killed her, huh?" Xander asked and he nodded "Then prove it. Show us."

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