Chapter 126: Acheron: Part II

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Rhea dropped down from the top of the train, just as the last walker was killed inside the train

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Rhea dropped down from the top of the train, just as the last walker was killed inside the train.

Frost was trying to open the door but it was  no use "It's rusted shut. Safe bet that they all are."

Rhea noticed Negan coming down, but no Maggie. "Where's Maggie?" She asked him.

Negan looked up and behind him "She w... She was right behind me."


"We gotta go back and help her." Rhea stated and moved forward but Negan held her shoulder back.

"You go up there, you're dead." He pointed out.

Rhea clenched her fists "She's my friend I'm not leavin' her to die."

Frost shook his head with a sigh "She'd be pissed if you tried. She'd want us to keep moving forward."

Rhea looked up at the open hatch and then at the front, where Frost was.

"Fine, we need to get that door open before these freaks punch the windows in." She pointed to the outside where the walkers were clawing.

Gabriel agreed with a nod "Alright, we need to get that door open. Then we'll go from car to car until we hit the front of the train. Then we'll hop off. And then we just keep going."

Negan got his crowbar and made his way to the front of the carriage. "Look out, guys." He forced his crowbar between the crack so he could use it to pry open the door.

Frost and Duncan took over, Rhea just sit down and started thinking about her family back at Alexandria.

About her daughter and her husband, both of which were counting on Rhea right now to bring food back home to them. Rhea broke from her thoughts, when the door was pried open, allowing everyone in the next cart. She stood up from her seat and stepped onto the next cart.

Alden went to open the next one, until they suddenly heard more unusual banging.

"Is that the roof?" Rhea questioned and looked up.

"Could be walkers." Negan suggested but was told to shush.

Several knocks in a certain rhythm were heard "It's below us. It's Morse code." Frost realised.

"It's SOS." Alden stated.

Duncan and Frost bent down to open a hatch where the noise was coming from.

When Rhea got a look she instantly saw Maggie pulling herself up, so she quickly went over to help her up.

Rhea felt relieved, however Maggie was angry and glared at Negan. "I slipped. He saw, and he left me to die."

"Yeah. Okay. So what?" Negan asked, not a care about his actions.

"You're just admitting it?" Gabriel was in shock.

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