Chapter 128: Out of the ashes

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It was early in the morning, the first sunlight was peaking out from the over the wall and into Xander Grimes's room

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It was early in the morning, the first sunlight was peaking out from the over the wall and into Xander Grimes's room.

He wasn't asleep, he was just laying in the bed, looking outside of the window, while his daughter was sleeping peacefully next to him. It was a bit hard for the Grimes man to sleep, since he couldn't stop thinking about his wife, who was out on a very dangerous mission with her father and the others.

He just had a very bad feeling about all of this.

Suddenly he was broke from his thoughts, as he heard Jerry's scream.

"Dudes! Dudes! Breach! They're inside the wall!"

The second Xander heard that, he was immediately up from the bed, and he quickly grabbed his sword.


Xander turned towards his daughter, and walked towards her. "Stay here. Okay Cor." He told her softly, she nodded, and he was quick to leave the room and the house with the others.

Xander was running towards the breach with Aaron, Jerry and a lot of other Alexandrians, towards the breach.

One of pallets was down, and walkers were walking inside.

"Get'em back!" Xander yelled, as he slashed his sword left and right, killing walkers.

Aaron, Xander and a few others were trying to pull the pallet up, while the others were fighting with the walkers.

They continued to push the pallet, until it was finally up against the wall.

Xander was breathing heavily, as he shared a look with Aaron.

This wasn't looking good.

Aaron and Xander were standing together, when Rosita walked towards them

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Aaron and Xander were standing together, when Rosita walked towards them.

"Wall's gonna be more fragile since they broke through. People are getting anxious." She told Xander.

Lydia sighed "There's dead on the north side. We're banging the wall to spread them out. It's working."

Xander sighed and hook his head "For now, but they'll be back."

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