Chapter 132: No other way

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Suddenly a bright light irrupt from the roof and rockets started fire out of the machine, Rhea grabbed Maggie with one hand as she used her other to shield them with walkers

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Suddenly a bright light irrupt from the roof and rockets started fire out of the machine, Rhea grabbed Maggie with one hand as she used her other to shield them with walkers.

She dragged the woman through the crowd and over to a cargo container. They pressed themselves against the wall and gate as a Reaper took shelter with them.

The duo looked at each other, before they simultaneously attacked the Reaper.

The man was bigger than both Rhea and Maggie, but they over-powered him easily.

Rhea pinned the man against the wall of the container as Maggie delivered punched and kicks to him before they pushed him out into the open.

A rocket slammed into the Reaper's back, causing Rhea and Maggie to took cover as the man exploded leaving nothing but guts.

The duo took off running, hurrying into a building and up the stairs, hiding on the next floor as the door they came through opened.

Maggie and Rhea peered around the corner and saw Negan helping Elijah inside the hallway.

The pair hurried over to them as Rhea spoke "We've got one on our tail."

"We lost ours." Negan says, as he and Maggie helped Elijah into the infirmary.

Maggie grabbed a few medical supplies before leading them into a secret room in the infirmary wall.

She closed the door after Rhea came in and looked out the small peep hole.

"Okay, what now?" Negan whispered.

"Wait 'til dawn, hunt them down." Rhea replied.

"Or we just get the food and go."

"And what? Walk out of here with our arms full?" Maggie asked Negan, looking at him like he was stupid.

"As long as we walk out of here, yeah. Unless chow ain't the only thing we're here for?" He asked her.

"I'm not leaving Daryl and Gabriel. And I won't risk being followed home." She sneered before movement from outside the secret room caught her attention.

"Carver, repost." The woman's voice from before echoed from Carver's walkie.

"In the infirmary. The leader and the girl slipped me, but l'll get them." Carver replied, standing a little too close to the secret room for the fours liking.

"Just find them. Not one of them is getting out of here alive." The woman says.

"Copy that." Carver replied.

"Oh one more thing. Bring me the girl alive." The woman said over the walkie.

Rhea furrowed her brows in confusion, as she shared a look with Maggie.

"Come again?" Carver asked.

"The girl... she's Dixon's daughter." The woman said.

Carver looked confused "Dixon have a kid?"

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