Chapter 140: Variant

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Not long after the riot, everyone was packing their stuff to get the hell out of the Commonwealth just in case

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Not long after the riot, everyone was packing their stuff to get the hell out of the Commonwealth just in case.

However, Eugene was held back, being forced to go on the run despite Mercer being tasked to find him.

A 'citywide sweep' and 'capture' was in full effect, but the whereabouts of Mercer's soldiers and the information they knew was unknown since Rosita, Daryl and Xander were no longer soldiers.

Rosita, Daryl and Xander were brought into questioning alongside a few others from Hilltop and Alexandria. Before they were brought in separately, they decided to meet up afterwards in the church where Eugene was.

Xander was sitting inside a small interrogation room, a small window was at the top, allowing a tiny bit of light in.

Luckily, Rhea was at home with Corina, for now, packing their things before going somewhere safe.

Xander's foot was repeatedly tapping on the ground until the door in front of him opened, snapping the man out of his daydreams. He had obviously told himself to not release any information about Eugene's whereabouts.

Mercer walked in and sat down, holding a file. "Xander Grimes. 920 Miller Street." He read from the file nonchalantly "Currently employed. Married, wife- Rhea Dixon-Grimes, leader of Hilltop, with one daughter, Corina Dixon- Grimes." He closed the file and looked up at Xander with no expression. Xander wasn't expecting him to be nice. "Do you verify the information to be true?"

Xander tilted his head silently before scoffing a bit "You realise how ridiculous you're soundin' right now?"

"Do you verify that this information is true?"

His eyes rolled, unbothered, he sat up straight in his seat and nodded "Sure."

"Where were you during the riot?"

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"Where were you during the riot?"

"Watching that stupid wrestling match before trying to get to safety." Xander replied honestly.

"Who were you with?"

"I was with my wife, our daughter, my father-in-law and my sister."

"Did you ever see Eugene Porter during the riot?" He then asked. Xander paused, until he nodded his head. "What happened?"

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