Chapter 143: Faith

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The next day they followed the map to the 'working site' that their friends were being held

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The next day they followed the map to the 'working site' that their friends were being held. Daryl and Carol went to scout it from a distance before coming back to the group.

"Are they there? Did you see 'em? Did you saw Rhea?" Xander rushed out, nervously picking his fingers.

There was this sickening feeling inside the Grimes man, that just worsened suddenly. He couldn't imagine what they're doing to Rhea.

He knows his wife, and he knows that she wouldn't just let some people bossing her around, especually when their daughter was gone.

Daryl sighed, "It's bad. I don't think any of 'em are gonna make it."

Xander felt his breath getting caught in his throat. That can't be true.

"But you saw everyone." Gabriel blurted out confusedly.

"The adults.." Carol trailed off.

No sign of the kids?

Rosita looked at Carol and then Daryl "Coco, Hershel, Cori, the kids?"

Carol sadly shook her head.

"But they have to be there. Right?" Maggie asked in disbelief, not wanting any of this to be happening right now.

Rosita didn't want to waste anymore time and neither did Xander. Standing there and talking wasn't gonna solve shit.

"Okay, we need to go in now." Xander told them.

"We can't. There's too many guards. We'll never make it." Daryl quickly told his son-in-law.

"We gotta try!" Xander snapped firmly.

"She turned our home into a prison... after promising to give it back!" Gabriel also added. He sighed, putting his hand on Rosita's shoulder, but she shrugged it off.

"She never planned to give it back." Maggie told him.

Daryl looked like he had an idea "Wait. We can go in the sewers."

"I'll come with you." Xander said to Daryl firmly.

He then signed to Connie "You, me, Xan. Shit tunnel." Connie understood and nodded.

"I also know a way to get back into our old house, but I need some backup just in case the guards have it blocked." Carol added.

Maggie nodded at the woman "I'll go with you."

"Alright, we're gonna go to the windmill. There's a sewer grate there." Daryl slung his crossbow over his shoulder and took a walkie from Maggie.

"I'm going with you guys." Rosita also opted towards the Dixon-Grimes.

"But we need eyes out here." Carol briefly pointed out, since Gabriel would be on his own back here.

"Carol, I'm not staying out here when Coco's inside."

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