Chapter 144: Family

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A few hours later the sun had came up and everyone was getting prepared to go to the train where they will be able to get closer to the main part of Commonwealth where they can deal with Pamela and her remaining army of soldiers

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A few hours later the sun had came up and everyone was getting prepared to go to the train where they will be able to get closer to the main part of Commonwealth where they can deal with Pamela and her remaining army of soldiers.

Xander was ready to kill the bitch that ruinted his family.

Rhea wasn't the same, she felt almost empty and Corina... she was broken.

They had to tell her about the baby, and the little girl cried the whole night, in pain of loosing her sibling.

Rhea was carrying a box full of ammo some people found in one of the houses, handing it to Maggie at the back of the bus full of people.

She rubbed the bottom of her back subconsciously and then shrugged her bow on her back before turning around to be faced with Connie, looking at her with a raised brow.

"Are you sure about going? You should stay here." Connie signed to the woman.

Rhea nodded and signed "The bitch has to pay for everything and I want to be there to see it."

Judith then came over, a bag and her sword over her shoulder, looking all prepared. "I'm coming."

Daryl looked up at her, shaking his head immediately, "No. I need you here."

The girl's face twisted at first "That's crap."

Xander tilted his head at the girl's words in surprise.

Xander tilted his head at the girl's words in surprise

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"This isn't what my mom and dad fought for. Not yet. What we're doing could help everyone. Not just us, but maybe everybody everywhere. I want to be part of that. To make what my family believed in real."

"Judy. It'll probably be dangerous." Xander trailed off, biting the skin off his bottom lip nervously, he didn't wanted his sister in danger.

Judith's eyes showed the hidden desperation of how much she wanted to help and live up to her family's name of helping others. "This isn't the future Carl wanted, you know that better than anyone Xan. I gotta go."

The younger girl, who wasn't so young anymore, was right. Xander did know better than anyone that Carl didn't want this sort of future for his family or anyone else in the world.

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