5- Plan B

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Raelyn's P.O.V.

A couple days later..

The sound of my phone going off, catches my attention, making me quickly grab it. Seeing an unknown number on the screen, I debate on whether or not to answer. I don't know this number...but I did give Rebekah my number...so maybe..? With that thought, I sigh, and hesitantly answer. "Hello..?" I ask. "It was as we thought, Elijah was daggered by Klaus. And now; thanks to my brother; Elijah's being held captive by Marcel and his pet Witch." Rebekah's voice finds my ears. Sighing, I nod my head silently, unsurprised at what she said. "Doesn't surprise me, Klaus loves to dagger you all. What does surprise me, however, is him giving Elijah over to Marcel. How did that even happen?" I ask confused. "He claims to have done it as a peace offering to Marcel. Having both he and Elijah here, made Marcel nervous." She explains.

"So his first thought was to dagger Elijah, and hand him over..? Since when did Klaus become an a**kisser..?" I ask confused. "It's a long story." she says, clearly putting an end to the topic. Raising a brow, part of me wanted to know, while another part of me, knew not to push the topic. "But back to the original topic, you should know that I made Marcel bring me to Elijah earlier, but the moment I tried undaggering him, Marcel's little Witch threw me out of the window, and erased my memory of her location." She explains, making my eyes widen. So, not only does Marcel have Elijah, but he has a Witch powerful enough to somehow take on an Original, and win?! Did Klaus know about all of this before handing Elijah over..? At this thought, I swallow nervously. No, there's no way. Klaus may be an a**, but he wouldn't knowingly put his own siblings at risk like that...right..?

Shaking out of my thoughts, worried for Elijah's safety, I sigh. This situation is most likely way out of my league, but.. An image of the last time I saw Elijah, rises to mind. Narrowing my eyes sadly, I soon make up my mind, and speak. "What do you need me to do?" I ask. "Nothing, if Nik finds out you're he--" I cut her off. "If what I'm gathering is correct, Elijah is being held captive not only by Marcel, but by a Witch powerful enough to take on an Original Vampire and erase their memory. So, I'm sorry, but right now, I couldn't care less about being found out. Now, I'll ask again, What Do You Need Me To Do?" I ask stubbornly. Rebekah's hesitant at first, but after a few moments, she finally sighs, and speaks. "Elijah's being kept in an attic. Now, I may not remember where the location is, but I remember what the window I was thrown out of looked like." She says.

"If you must stick your nose into things, then listen carefully." she says. Hearing this, I nod. "Alright, shoot." I say. "Marcel is hosting a Masquerade Charity Event this evening, one which Nik and I will be attending. My plan is to enlist a Witch for a Locator Spell, while another Witch acts as a decoy to hide the Locator Spell. But, given the fact that most plans seem to fail when Nik is involved, perhaps you would be interested in being my Plan B?" She asks. "Alright, what do you have in mind?" I ask curiously. "While the Witch is doing the Locator Spell; and incase things go south; you can also be working to help narrow down the search radius. Do not worry, I'll make sure Marcel and Nik are properly distracted." She says. Nodding, I speak. "Sounds like a plan. Now, tell me more about this attic.." Is all I say, before beginning to walk.

A few hours later..

Just as Rebekah expected, her Witch's Locator Spell failed, thanks to Klaus killing the decoy Witch, to gain Marcel's trust for his own goals. With Plan A having failed, Elijah's whereabouts were once again left to Rebekah and I alone to find. Ever since the night of Marcel's Masquerade Charity Event, Rebekah and I have been searching up and down the streets of New Orleans, slowly narrowing down the search radius. Rebekah chose the way of online Maps, leaving me to do all the footwork, at any potential lead she finds. Anytime I made it to the potential location, I took a picture of it, and sent it to her, so she could confirm or deny it. It may not have been the easiest way of doing things, but it worked well enough. Thanks to our makeshift partnership, and a bit of acting from Rebekah with some of Marcel's underlings, we managed to narrow down the search to an old church, near Marcel's place. So, with that settled, she thanked me for the help, and made her way there. Knowing she'd take care of the rest, I sigh, and begin to slowly make my way down the street. It's not that I don't want to go with her, it's just.. I stop and glance over my shoulder towards the church. If I were to see him again.. Images and memories from our time together, rise up in my mind, making me sigh, and push them away. Deciding it's best not to finish that thought, I narrow my eyes sadly, before tearing my gaze away from the church with a quiet sigh, and continuing on my way.

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