14- Stray

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For a few moments, Klaus stares at us in silence, but eventually, he speaks. "If I find out that you being here, is another one of your brother's ridiculous plans to exact revenge against me.." Klaus trails off, pointing his finger at me accusingly, as he glares down at me. "My brother has nothing to do with me being here...or anything else I do anymore.." I say, my voice going quiet by the end of the sentence. Hearing my words, Klaus hums in interest. "Is that so..? That sounds remarkably like there's trouble in paradise.." he says with a smirk. "Let me guess.." he says, before leaning towards me. "The precious brother, whom you've protected time and time again...has abandoned you.." Klaus says, looking down at me mockingly. His words stab through my chest, making me flinch. Seeing my reaction to Klaus' words, Elijah quickly looks towards me in concern. "Raelyn...is this true..?" Elijah asks. Right, I...haven't been able to tell him what happened yet.. Sighing, I glance towards him slightly, before averting my gaze in shame. Seeing this, tells him all he needs to know, sighing in disappointment, he shakes his head.

 Seeing this, tells him all he needs to know, sighing in disappointment, he shakes his head

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"And thus, realizing you have nowhere else to go, you've come crawling back to us with your tail between your legs

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"And thus, realizing you have nowhere else to go, you've come crawling back to us with your tail between your legs...am I right to assume this, 'Little Rae'..?" Klaus asks with a taunting smirk. I know he's only saying this to get to me, but still.. Hearing his words, my eyes narrow in sadness, while my hands clench into fists. That doesn't make it any less painful to hear.. Sighing, I shake myself out of my thoughts, and speak. "Are you finished..?" I ask quietly, refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing how deeply his words about Tyler leaving, affected me. Hearing my words, his smirk only grows. "Very well, a stray you may be, but I am not completely heartless. I cannot in good conscience leave you out on the streets, now can I..?" Klaus asks me with a smirk. I remain silent. Seeing this, his smirk grows even more. However, before he can say anything more, the front door opens, revealing Rebekah, with a strange look on her face. But, the moment she sees Elijah and Hayley holding onto me, as I held my throat, her brows furrow.

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