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         The two girls were lying on their blanket, their eyes still squinting under the bright sun despite them being shut. Occasionally, one would ask the other to pass a bottle of water or help re-apply sun cream on their back.

It was rare they got to do this anymore - well, it was rare one out of the duo would agree to do this anymore. Quinn loved to be a teenage girl. She loved developing crushes on random people that would walk by, she loved to watch romcoms, but most importantly she loved to cherish the friendship she had with Tashi Duncan.

"Okay, times up." The brunette got up in swift motion and extended her hand out to the blonde who immediately let out a groan. "You said you would, and we have a game tomorrow." She proceeded.

"Yeah, fine, I'm getting up." Quinn sighed, sitting up at first to rest her elbows on her knees before finally standing on her two feet. "Why can't we just tan and rate the boys that go by? See, he's a six." She said with a shrug, pointing to the brunette boy walking by as he looked to her with confusion written all over his features.

Tashi snorted and reached for the racket in her bag alongside two sponge balls. "Smaller court so short tennis, one serve, one bounce and four points." She reminded her best friend, watching Quinn grab her sunglasses and her racket.

"Don't worry, I'm aware." She reassured. "What do you wanna get to eat after this? I was thinking we could go to mine and make some -"

"-Come on, focus." Tashi started to bounce the ball on her racket.

Without any mention, the girl served the ball and hit it harshly, watching as Quinn let out a gasp of surpise and immediately dove into the sand to hit it back.

"If you keep playing like this, probably some pizza." Tashi grinned, hitting the ball back before preparing herself to play until she could feel the sun burning her skin. "Do you think we'll make it up there? Like, the best." She continued.

Quinn didn't respond immediately, leaving Tashi to be confused as to whether it was because she was concentrating or pondering her answer until the blonde responded: "I don't know, T." She admitted between hits, "We've got the sponsers, and the validation. I want a degree and something to fall onto."

"Yeah obviously, but, do you wanna be up there with the best?"

"Maybe. Do you really want dedicate your whole life to tennis?"

"I wanna be great or nothing." Tashi confessed, her words causing her best friend to slip up and miss the sponge ball. Her stance coming to a stop and her arms dropping to her side. Quinn looked at Tashi before retrieving the small ball and holding it in her hand. "I want to win." She added.

Tashi was unsure as to how Quinn would take her response. She knew tennis wasn't all their relationship was about, but she also knew that without tennis the two wouldn't have ever even been introduced. Tennis was their glue, but also their curse.

"We'll win." Quinn finally voiced a response.

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