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         "Do you love him?" Tashi asked, wafting her fingers through water as the two girls laid comfortably on their inflatables in Quinn's pool.

The blonde girl scrunched up her nose slightly and looked around for some form of escape, her brother and his - confirmed - girlfriend were playing around with the girls tennis rackets whilst her dad was reading a book at the table.

"I don't know," She admitted with a shrug, looking over to Tashi who pulled up the sunglasses that were sat on her face and raised her brows to her best friend, "Honestly, I think I'm setting myself up for some real heartbreak and I don't know if its worth it."

"What does that even mean?"

"It just means that soon we're off in complete different directions. We're eighteen, why stress when there's so many people I haven't even met yet."

The brunette listened to the blonde before sliding off her inflatable and swimming towards the blonde, leaning on the bottom of Quinn's lilo and resting her chin on her hands. "Are you scared? Is that why those words are coming out of your mouth?"

Quinn laughed a little, "What?"

"You don't mean that. You know you can make it work if you really wanted to - that's why I know you're scared."

The two best friends stared at one another, waiting for one to speak until Quinn let out a deep sigh and admitted: "Obviously I'm scared. What if we do make it work and he meets someone and they fall in love, where does that leave me?"

"But what if he doesn't? Or what if you find someone? Quinn, the whole world is full of surprises, you can't put off this one amazing thing when you don't know where it could lead you." Tashi smiled to Quinn who forced one back. "Mr. Warren, how old were you when you fell in love?" She shouted to the older man.

Tom's face immediately lit up as he looked to the two girls, "I was eighteen, same age as you two."

"Was it with mum?" James asked, putting the racket down as he panted out of breath and sat down at the table with his dad, his girlfriend following after him as she took her glass of orange juice in her hand and drank it.

"As a matter of fact, yes, it was." Tom nodded.

"How did you meet?" Julie rested her cheek in her hand.

At the question, Quinn rolled off of her lilo and sunk into the water; having to hear the story for the nine hundredth time in her life.

"Well," Tom smiled to himself, "I met Maeve, their mom, at a graduation party. We'd been going to the same school since four and when I was eighteen I'd finally acknowledge Maeve as a woman and not just someone I walked past every day for fourteen years. Anyway, she was off to college and she said if we were 'really meant to be and what not' she'd put her number in a book shop and it was up to fate to take me to this specific book store and find it — bare in mind, we had lots of book stores where we lived. Anyway, I was determined the day after to find this girls number and it just so happened that as I walked into the first store after feeling right about the right place for forty minutes, she was already stood there trying to hide the book."

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