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       The second Quinn Warren had won the last championship she'd ever play, her dad insisted he hosted a party. When the guest list consisted of the whole street, sponserships and people the young blonde girl didn't even know; she had begged him to make it a quieter one. Much to her disappointment, he promised her he wanted her to have a nice, departing to tennis party and comprimised in giving her a smaller going away party before she leaves for University.

"Have you invited the Duncan's?" Quinn asked, sitting down at the breakfast bar and picking from a bowl of fruit her younger brother had just cut up.

Tom continued to face the sink as he washed the pots, "Yes... but only because Tashi's parents are my friends and not yours. I doubt Tashi will be coming anyway and so it would only be polite if I at least invited the rest of the family."

Slouching down in the stool, the blonde huffed and returned to stuffing her face with fruit.

"Can my friends come too?" James walked into the kitchen, running to his bowl of fruit when he saw his older sister eating from it and snatching it from her fingertips; earning a scowl from Quinn.

"Two. I mean it, I don't want a festival of testosterone in the backgarden." Quinn answered for her dad.

"That's not fair. We won't even be annoying, we can sit in my room if you get too irritated." James said, looking to his dad who just chuckled a little with his comment. "My friends think you're really cool," He told Quinn.

"Ah you're not going to persuade her with that one. Quinn think's she's too cool for a party now she's won the championship." Tom raised his brows and dried his hands on the towel, watching the blonde girl look to the ground. "Are you inviting that boy friend of yours?" He asked her.

The blonde looked up, her brows creased together, before saying: "I don't have a boy friend?"

"He's talking about the brunette one that tried to kiss you in front of dad." James laughed mockingly.

"I know who he's talking about you frog." Quinn glared her eyes to her brother who laughed even more, "No, I'm not, I'm just going to invite some old girl friends I had." She finished, getting to her feet.

"Quinn?" Tom said as she began to walk upstairs, "You don't have to socialise for too long if you don't want to. I just don't want you to say goodbye to tennis like you want to right now, you'll regret it in the future." He added, earning a small smile from Quinn who nodded and returned to her room. "You also cannot stay in your room all night with your friends, and I'll know if you've taken one of my beers." Tom said to his son, rubbing his hair as he walked past.

( . . . )

       "I can't believe you're giving tennis up, Quinn. Imagine how really famous you could get in the future. All the money you'd have." Maeve, one of Quinn's old friends, chirped from the group of girls stood together.

The three girls were stood at the bottom of Quinn's garden, drinking beer from glasses and pretending it was apple juice when the adults walked past. Quinn gave a small, forced laugh at the comment Quinn made and shook her head.

"I don't really care about being famous or rich." Quinn admitted.

"But still," Maeve shrugged, "You could've been the wag for your family, you wouldn't need to financially depend on a boy." She added.

"Nobody needs to financially depend on a boy." Olivia raised a brow to Maeve who pulled a mocking face, "Not all of us want to grow up watching a baby every night of the week whilst our husband is working." She shrugged.

"Drink to that." Quinn snorted as they all took a large sip.

Looking up, the blonde girl saw her father approaching as she quickly swallowed her drink and smiled to him, "Do you need me?" She asked, thinking she'd have to engage in a long conversation with a branding manager.

"No, I don't." Tom smiled, "But somebody else seems keen to speak to you." He finished and pointed over to the back door, Quinn looking up to see Patrick already staring at her.

He pulled his hand up from his pocket and waved at her with a small smile, the girls lips parting as she gave a small sigh. She nodded to her dad and said she'd be back to speak to the girls very soon before wandering over to where the boy was stood.

"You look nice." He told her, looking at her up and down with a smile as she creased her lips into a thin line. "I'm sorry, I don't wanna seem like a stalker, your brother sent me the address and said you wanted to see me."

"I wasn't aware you were coming," She admitted honestly, "Didn't plan on it either." She mumbled and brushed down her white top.

"Can we speak, Quinn? Please? Because you don't know how guilty I've been feeling." He reached out grabbing her hand, "And if you really meant it, when you said I could do whatever I wanted because you aren't my girlfriend then stop avoiding me."

Quinn didn't know what to say, the two looking at one another as she slowly began to shake her head. "I do mean it, Patrick." She sighed, "I'm not your girlfriend... and that's why it's so confusing because I felt hurt." She admitted.

He began to frown, "I didn't want to hurt you, I don't know why I did it. I really liked you, Quinn. I  still do because I wouldn't have been so hung up on it - I wouldn't still be so annoyed at myself at what I did. And I know you didn't want me here tonight, but I came to ask you if you'd find forgiveness somewhere so we can try this again properly before you go to University." He now cupped her one hand in both of his, standing closer as the corner of her lips turned down.

"You want to try this again? Knowing I'm going to be miles away in two months time?" She asked quietly.

"It's all I'm asking for." He insisted, "Please?" He whispered and looked down at her as she stared up at him. "Please? Please? Please?" He repeated, gently until she began to shake her head with a small smile, his hand reaching up to tuck her hair behind her ear until he softly clutched her cheek.

"Nobody likes a beg, Patrick." She scrunched up her nose slightly and pulled her cheek away. "Let's go and get you a drink." She grinned as he mirrored her expression, his arm moving to drape around her shoulder as he pulled her in to his side clsoer.

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