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         With wide welcoming arms, Quinn found herself in the embrace of the brunette older woman that stood before her. When capturing the face to the voice she spoke to not so long ago, the girl smiled at the understanding of why Patrick adored his mother so much.

"Hello, gorgeous! It's so lovely to meet you." Emily grinned, brushing her hand up and down Quinn's back before pulling away to get a good look at the girl, "You are just so stunning, aren't you?"

Immediately turning the brightest shade of red, Quinn laughed a little and responded: "Thank you so much, I love your dress."

"Ah, thank you for noticing. Nobody else in this household ever does." The older woman gave a wink and turned to her son, "Hey, boof!" She squealed at the sight of her son and pulled him into a hug, the excitement being clear.

As Quinn looked at the two, she smiled as she saw the brunette boy tightly hug his mum back. She thanked the luck she had for not having to ever separate from her dad when it came to tennis tournaments, he was always her biggest supporter and refused to ever miss a match.

"Are you two hungry?" Emily asked, gesturing for them to follow them into the kitchen.

Patrick looked to Quinn first before answering, the blonde shaking her head so he could respond and say: "No, we're all good thanks. Where's Piper?" He peered his head through to the living room and then looked back at his mum.

Emily smiled before responding: "She's on a date with her boyfriend."

"What?" Patrick raised his brows, "What boyfriend?"

Quinn's lips turned up a little at the sound of protection, her eyes analysing the room as she took in how homely his house was.

"Oh, come on, Patrick. Are you really surprised she has a boyfriend?"

"Well, yeah, kind of. She's not said anything to me."

"She probably doesn't want her little brother sticking his nose where it's unwanted." Emily raised her brows and looked over to Quinn, grinning at the girl, "I won't keep you both long, I'm sure you're eager to unpack your things."

Patrick took Quinn's hands in hers, "Eager to escape before you start with the embarrassing stories."

He led Quinn upstairs, the two women waving bye as she followed the brunette into his room and stood in the doorway. She stared at the pictures on the wall, the framed memories of both his and Art's achievements, family photos and tennis championships.

"You really have no naked girls on your wall?" She raised her brows to him.

Patrick let out a little laugh and approached her, his hand touching the back of her neck as he slowly pressed his lips onto hers before saying: "My mum would've killed me."

With a snort, she pushed him away and comfortably laid herself down on his bed. She let out a deep sigh and closed her eyes, exhausted from the ride although she wasn't the one to drive. Within seconds, she heard heavy panting and the feeling of something fury digging itself into her side.

Quinn looked to her side and stared at the dog that had rested his chin on her shoulder and its arm on her chest. Awe glazed over her face as Patrick smiled down at the two, "Let me take a photo." He said, grabbing his camera from his desk.

"He or she?"

"His names Elvis." Patrick smiled and stared at the photo he took, "Hey, now I can have one pretty girl on my wall - shame she's not naked."

The blonde rolled her eyes and closed them again once more.

"Where's your girlfriend?" The blonde girl on the sofa asked, a blanket draped over her body as she rested her head on her mothers shoulder and looked to her younger brother who was sat on the other sofa.

"She's asleep upstairs, I feel bad waking her up." Patrick admitted.

"Are you smitten?" Emily smiled at her son, looking to her daughter who mimicked her smile.

Patrick laughed shyly and licked his lips: "I really like her, yeah." He confessed. "What about you, what's your boyfriends name?"

Piper cringed at his words before pulling away from Emily, "Mom - you told Patrick?"

"I'm just happy my little babies are happy." Emily held her hands up in defence, "And I can't wait for you to have babies with Quinn, she is just so beautiful, Patrick, you've really outdone yourself." She couldn't resist a grin.

"Yeah, great, thanks." Piper muttered.

Patrick chuckled, "Yeah, didn't realise I was uncapable of creating good offspring without Quinn."

Emily rose to her feet and wandered off to the kitchen to start their food.

"Are you happy with Quinn?" Piper asked.

Patrick immediately nodded, "I would be stupid to lose someone like her, Pipes."

The blonde girl smiled and said: "I'm happy for you, Patrick. Just don't fuck her about, from what I've heard you would be stupid to lose her."

A few seconds later, there was a knock on the living room door before it was shortly pushed open. Quinn stood in the doorway and looked between the Zweig siblings with a smile, "Hi, I'm Quinn." She smiled at Piper.

"I'm Piper, nice to meet you." The girl smiled back, watching Patrick shuffle over on the sofa, "Come sit with me, you're probably fed up of Patrick from that drive anyway." She added, moving her blanket and sharing it with Quinn when she joined the girl.

"Can you not," Patrick groaned.

"Not what?" The two girls said in unison.

"Become best friends and leave me out."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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violent femme, patrick zweigWhere stories live. Discover now