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"Are you done?" Quinn asked, knocking gently on her ensuite door.

After they'd eaten, the five of them had watched a film until it approached Julie's curfew and Quinn took her home. The three boys left in the house bonded over Star Wars and Quinn, Patrick leaning back into the sofa and listening when they took in turns revealing their favourite stories associated with the girl.

"Yeah." Patrick whispered, opening up the door as he stared back at her. His towel was draped around his waist and his wet hair still dripped onto his shoulders. After persistently asking Quinn for a shower because he felt dirty after training, she finally let him.

When a smirk began to drape Patrick's lips, she felt her skin begin to burn with the realisation she'd been staring at him too long. Silence filling the air before she licked her lips and said: "Did you use my shampoo?"

"Why, does my hair look good?"

"No. I can smell it." She admitted, gently twisting his hair between her finger tips, "Do you want some clean clothes?" She pulled her hand away.

Patrick shook his head, "No, I brought some with me in my bag." He responded, softly moving her back so he could get to his clothes. "Don't think this was planned, I always bring spare ever since my shorts split on me."

"You don't want any comfortable clothes?" She tilted her head to the side, "It's not a big deal, I can get some of my dads old clothes."

"Are you sure? I'm shocked im allowed to stay, I don't want to push it." He stood up straight.

Quinn shook her head and pulled open her top draw, the most of the layers at the top consisting of her dads tops that she'd stolen to sleep in. "Obviously I don't have any boxers or anything but - "

"It's okay." Patrick said, grabbing some from his bag. The two stared at one another again until he began to undo the side of his towel, her lips parting as she turned around. "Quinn, I'm not shy, don't worry."

"I am." She responded immediately.

Her comment earned a small laugh from the boy. When the room fell silent, she looked up to the ceiling and furrowed her brows, wondering what was taking him so long.

His hands slowly brushed down her arm, her eyes slowly closing before she felt he had taken the top from her hand. He stood close behind her for a few seconds, feeling how warm she was against his bare chest before she coughed out the lump in her throat and turned around.

"What side of the bed do you want?" She almost whispered.

"I'm not picky." He smiled.

"Okay, great, because I like to sleep on the left side most of the time." She nodded and swiftly got into bed, a smile approaching Patricks lips as he turned off her light and slowly got in beside her. "If you do get too warm you can take the top off, I won't be weirded out it gets hot in here at night." She whispered.

violent femme, patrick zweigWhere stories live. Discover now