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    Since the rekindle of their friendship, Quinn and Patrick found themselves together almost everyday from the start of their Summer. The blonde girl was leaving in two months time and Patrick delayed the start of his career for a year and a half in the hopes they could spend more time together.

"Do you really think you could spend the rest of your life playing tennis until you turned wrinkly and old and your joints prevented you from playing?" Quinn asked curiously, taking a bite of her apple as she sat in the boys passenger seat.

The boy just laughed at her comment and started to shake his head before saying: "How obsessed are you when it comes to people dedicating their lives to something they enjoy doing? Do I ever question you on your psychological future?"

Quinn smiled a little and rolled her eyes at his comment, "It's cognitive neuroscience actually."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." He looked at her and then back at the road in front of them. "Also, why would I be playing whilst I'm turning wrinkly? The plan is to get rich, retire, live life." He grinned.

The two got out the car and wandered into the cafe, Patrick finding a table for the two as Quinn walked to the till and ordered them a drink. With a the sound of a subtle argument behind the girl and an hand on her shouder, the blonde turned around.

"Quinn! How nice to see you here, it's so lovely to see you, how've you been?" Tashi's mother embraced her in a hug, Quinn hugging her back as she looked  to Tashi who was already glaring at the girl.

"I've been great, thanks. And you?" She pulled away and asked.

"We've been good, haven't we, Tash?" The older woman smiled and looked to the brunette who gave a, very clearly false, enthusastic smile. "Congratulations by the way, for winning the Championship. Will we be seeing you at Stanford?" She tilted her head to the side.

"No." Tashi responded, "She's going to a different college. Quinn's also next in the queue so..." Tashi pointed behind the blonde.

"Oh, okay. Well, best of luck wherever you're going, we'll need a catch up with your dad soon." The older woman grinned, giving Quinn one last hug before the young girl ordered two drinks and took them to the table Patrick was sat at.

"Awkward?" Patrick chuckled.

"No." Quinn shrugged.

The boy raised his brows as the blonde creased her lips into a thin line and sat down in front of him, putting her legs on his knees under the table. "Really, Tashi's mum is lovely, it's a shame her daughter hates me." She smiled.

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