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That night, the blonde girl was lying in bed with her laptop resting on her thighs. She tried numerous times to recall her Facebook password, eventually having to click the ' reset your password here ' after hopefully reusing the only passwords she could think of.

Quinn stopped using Facebook once her and Tashi had slowly started to become well-known, once her inbox constantly flooded with weird men or invitations to tennis groups, she had settled the platform wasn't one she wanted to use anymore.

That was, of course, until she remembered one of the last people she had added as a friend a year ago.

Her fingers gently pressed down on her keyboard, A R T and he was the first one to pop up. Once Quinn had clicked on his account, she noticed his profile displayed he was ' active now ' and wondered why he was up at 1am when his championship finale was in a few hours time.

She clicked on his albums, flicking through every memory the boy had posted, almost all of the photos containing the familiar brunette from before. Once Quinn had finally failed her urge, she clicked on the tagged account to see Patrick had already sent her a friend request.

Almost as soon as she had accepted him, a notification appeared on her inbox.

Are u a mind reader?

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Are u a mind reader?

Quinn squinted at his message, reading it over and over again with a smile on her lips.

PotentiallyDepends what you were thinking about

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Depends what you were thinking about

PotentiallyDepends what you were thinking about

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violent femme, patrick zweigWhere stories live. Discover now