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The blonde girl held a white dress up to her chest over the yellow one she was already wearing, "Hi, I'm Quinn Warren - I would love to stand all day whilst you take photos of me promoting your business." She said to herself in the mirror, removing the white dress and pulling over the black, mini lace dress from her other hand against her chest before continuing: "Hey! I'm Quinnie, I'm an enormous slut!" She grinned enthusiastically.

Tashi laughed and shook her head, coming up behind her best friend and taking both the white and black dresses from her hand and throwing them onto her bed before placing her hands on the blondes shoulder.

"In this dress, you're Quinn Jane Warren, one of the best tennis players at only eighteen." She reassured, "The yellow suits you so much." She added and grabbed a clip from her desk, pulling Quinn's blonde locks up and securing it with the flower clip.

The blonde girl turned to her best friend and gave her a hug, "You're a good tennis player too." She smiled.

Tashi laughed and responded: "I gave you 'one of the best' and all I got was a 'good'?"

"That's not what I meant." Quinn laughed, "You're the best tennis player at eighteen, not one of them." She said honestly, causing the brunettes mouth to curve into a smile. "And I must be the bestest friend too because..." She trailed off, wandering over to her bag and pulling out a bottle of wine.

Tashi squealed, the two girls buzzing with excitement for the guests to arrive.

Already somewhat feeling their drinks, the two girls walked over to where Tashi's parents and Quinn's dad were stood, the three of them speaking to who Quinn remembered as the nice woman who wasn't too pushy when it came to sponserships.

"There they are! Our golden girls." Tashi's mum grinned, extending her arms out to the two as they embraced the woman. "You two planning on sneaking out of here later?" She raised her brow to her daughter.

"Of course not." Tashi responded, honestly. "Besides, there's no other cool parties going on so we might as well settle to stay here." She shrugged whilst Tom chuckled a little bit.

"So, what are your plans after this then? Are you girls going to Stanford?" The woman asked them.

Tashi and Quinn looked at one another, the brunette answering back for the both of them: "That's the plan."

Quinn nodded slowly, taking a deep breathe in before saying: "I'm gonna go to the bathroom, I'll be right back."

As she walked away, she could hear the group talking about her, the feeling of her back burning with the sensation they were all staring as she walked away. As she turned the corner, her body collided with another figure before she stumbled back.

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