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         "So have you fucked her yet?" The blonde boy practically chased after his brunette best friend, Patrick trying his best to avoid the conversation as he made straight for their hired court. "Come on, I won't tell anyone." He added.

"Yeah, I know you won't." Patrick finally responding, coming to a stop and holding his hand out in front of Art's mouth.

"So that's a yes then?" Art began to smirk after spitting out his chewing gum into his best friend's hand. "How have you even done that." He laughed.

Patrick threw the gum into a bin and smiled to himself, "Can you not say fuck. It makes me feel like some form of player."

"Oh, sorry - made love."

"It was different." Patrick admitted honestly, watching Art raise his brows, "It's different having sex with someone you actually have feelings for rather than just a one night thing." He added.

Art stood up straight, "Do you love her?"

Patrick laughed, "I didn't say that.".

"But you do!" Art joined in the laughter, "I can't believe you've been dreaming of this girl for years and now you have her you won't even have the balls to ask her out."

"It's not like that." Patrick creased his lips into a thin line, watching Art serve before saying: "I don't wanna hold her back from anything."

The two boys began to train.

"You aren't. If she feels the same - which if you had sex she definitely does - then you've got nothing to worry about." Art responded.

"I just don't want to fuck up something that's really clearly meant to be in my life, y'know?" Patrick chased after the ball and hit it with all of his strength.

"Then don't. You clearly have changed because you're not already talking about someone else."

"Art I'm not... I'm being serious now." Patrick stopped and stood still, causing his best friend to do the same. "I don't want to do what I did before, I want to make this work."

"You will make this work. I know sometimes you play dumb, Patrick. But you always know what you're doing."

Staring at his best friend for a little, Patrick smiled and nodded before the two resumed their game of tennis, his mind only consisting of the blonde girl the whole time.

"What! You had sex!" Tashi squealed, causing Quinn to scream loudly and grab one of the pillows from her made bed; covering Tashi's face with it immediately.

"Are you trying to get me killed!" Quinn yell-whispered, looking outside her door before shutting it to make sure that her father wasn't stood outside. "Yeah... I, had sex or whatever."

"Or whatever! Quinn this is kind of a big deal."

"Is it?"

"Doesn't it feel like it is?"

"Of course it is. I was an eighteen year old virgin and nobody knew that so it obviously is kind of a big deal, I just don't know how to comprehend it's happened really." Quinn laid down on her bed beside her best friend as they were eye-to-eye. "I'm scared now we've done it he's not going to be interested anymore."

Tashi frowned a little and tucked her best friends hair behind her ear before saying: "He's never not going to be interested in you, Quinn. I've heard the way he speaks about you, makes me jealous, even."

The blonde girl licked her lips and then slightly nodded, "Well how come he's not messaged me since?"

Just as the words fell from her mouth, the girl heard her phone vibrant from her desk - immediately shooting up to grab the small electronic. She took the phone between her hands and eagerly read the message.

Mr. Zweig
What you up to later?

The corner of her lips shaped into a grin as she began to type up a response.

Nothing much
Shall I clear my schedule?

Ah I forgot how busy Quinn Warren was
Only if you think I'm worth clearing your schedule for

How are you going to persuade me?

Let's go on a road trip

Quinn's lips parted, looking up to Tashi who immediately said: "What? What's he said?"

"He's asked to go on a road trip."

"Well, are you going to?"

Where are we going?

Wherever you want to go

Not helpful

Let's go see my family

violent femme, patrick zweigWhere stories live. Discover now