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"I just don't understand why you feel the need to train every. Single. Day." Quinn said as she got into Patrick's car and put her racket in the back, brushing down her white tennis skirt before she sat down whilst the brunette boy watched her with a small smile.

"Why do you moan so much?" He asked her, cocking a brow up.

Sticking her tongue into her cheek, she stared at the boy - at lost for words because she knew he was right.

"Sorry." Quinn apologised, "I just forget how committed some people get to tennis." She admitted honestly.

"It's okay." He gently brushed her knee and pulled the handbrake down, putting his truck into gear as he took them to the tennis court that he'd booked. "I think Art's going to be there, if that's okay? It's not like you two don't get along." He added as they began to drive.

The blonde girl nodded before saying: "Would you say Art's your best friend?"

"Probably, why, who's yours?"

"I don't know." Quinn shrugged, "Do you tell each other everything or is it like, the best friend boys have where they only speak when they don't have anyone to talk to and don't make the effort when you aren't together?"

Patrick laughed a little and responded: "I didn't realise that there were so many different types of best friends you could have... Yeah, we tell each other everything. I don't think there's anything that Art doesn't know about me."

The blonde girl smiled a little at his words, admiring him from the passengers seat until he looked over when she stayed silent.

"Wow. Did that give you a lady boner?"

Scrunching her face up, Quinn realised a small 'eugh' noise and faced forward, "You had to ruin it, didn't you? It's nice you have a good best friend, do you think you'll see each other after you go professional?"

"Obviously. Will you come see me?" He looked at her, her head rolling to the side so she was looking back at him.

"I think it's harder for me to come all the way from New York to see you when you'll have tournaments in New York anyway," She raised a brow, "But, of course I'll come see you." Quinn pulled her hand from her side and brushed the back of the brunette boys head, twiddling his hair between her fingers.

"Are you going to find a boyfriend in New York?" He squinted at her a little bit, causing her to laugh.

"What if I find a girlfriend?" She tilted her head to the side as Patrick pulled into a parking spot and secured his car.

Patrick's lips parted for a little bit, "About that - you know the first time we met, this girl told me to be careful because you led her on - " Patrick began as Quinn started to laugh and reached her bag from the back, getting out the car and shutting the door. "Quinn, was she being serious?" He said, the blonde girl reading his lips from the car window.

Smiling a little bit, her shoulders raised up and dropped back down, "Sorry, I can't hear what you're saying?" She tucked her hair behind her ear and pointed it to the window, speaking loudly on purpose as he rolled his eyes and took his bag from the back.

The two were at the courts for fifteen minutes before they saw Art's car pull up beside Patrick's, the two discussing if Quinn was going to throw in the balls for them or if they'd alternate game time - that was until they saw a brunette girl get out with Art.

"Is that -" Patrick began

"Hey guys, Tashi wanted to come, hope that's okay?" Art scratched the back of his head, looking to Tashi who gave both Quinn and Patrick a wave. 

Stuttering a little, Patrick looked to Quinn who forced a smile to her lips before saying: "Yeah, why not."

"Cool, thanks." Art smiled, taking his hoodie off and putting it in his bag before getting out his rackets.

"Hey, you two." Tashi grinned to them both, holding the handle of her racket between both hands. "Long time no see." She tilted her head to the side.

Patrick, unsure if he should even say anything to the brunette, looked to Quinn who slowly put her hand on her hips. "Doubles, I'm guessing. Us to against you two?" He let out a deep breath and took a ball from his pocket.

"Sounds good." Art nodded.

"You okay?" He whispered to Quinn as they walked to their side of the pitch.

The blonde smiled and nodded, "I'm okay, are you?"

"Yeah." He said immediately, "We can go if you want?"

"No, let's stay. I want to play some tennis." Quinn said, stretching her legs out.

Despite the four playing friendly doubles, Patrick and Art had never experienced such a competitive game - half of the time they stood further back and watch the two girls hit the ball with such anger they thought the other would hurt themselves.

"Okay! I'm done." Art held his hands up in the air, "Do you wanna go get some food now? I'm starving." He stepped back and walked over to his bag.

"Yeah, why not." Quinn collected the disbanded balls from the court and put them into Patrick's bag for him, the brunette girl approaching behind her; causing Quinn to stand up straight and stare up at her.

"You played good." Tashi admitted, "You always have, it's not a shock that you won the championship."

The blonde girl's jaw dropped a little bit, "I can't tell if you're being serious or not right now." She gave a small laugh.

"I am sorry, you know, for not being a supporting friend - best friend. I shouldn't have been so selfish, and I shouldn't have been so stubborn and not apologised sooner." The corner of Tashi's lips tugged up a little. "Please accept my apology."

Quinn's brows raised a little, taking in Tashi's words.

The silence between them was killing the brunette - even worse, the boys behind them who were staring at the duo intensely.

Hesitantly, the blonde stepped forward and pulled her arms around Tashi before saying: "I've missed my best friend."

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