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         "Why are you so dressed up?" Tashi asked, watching Quinn get ready at her vanity from the blondes bed.

"I'm not?" She responded innocently, "It's hot today, I don't wanna sit and sweat on a bench." She shrugged, pulling her long blonde locks back into a ponytail.

The brunette stared at Quinn, admiring her until she raised her brows and said: "This has nothing to do with Patrick Zweig, does it?"

Looking back immediately, the blonde girl shook her head. "No, why would it?"

With a knock on her bedroom door, the two girls looked up to see Quinn's dad already looking between them both, "Oh, hi Tashi." The brunette girl gave a wave. "I was gonna take you and your brother out today, but if you've got plans i'll leave you to it." He said.

"Sorry, what were you thinking on doing?" Quinn asked.

"Eh, I don't know was just gonna see what you pair wanted to do. Where are you going?" He asked and looked at all the clothes the girl had pulled out her wardrobe on her floor.

"Going to watch some tennis." Tashi responded.

"I wanna watch some tennis!" A voice shouted down the corridor. "Can't we come with you?" Quinn's younger brother, James, peered his head round the door.

"Why would you come with us?" Quinn raised her brows.

James pulled a look of disgust to his sister, causing her to smile sarcastically in response.

"In all fairness, they could come with us. It's the championship finale so it's not like James is going to keep saying he's bored every second?" Tashi suggested, earning an irritated glare from Quinn.

"That settles it then!" Tom, Quinn's dad grinned, "Let me know when you want to leave." He finished and walked out the door.

When the door shut. Quinn groaned and wandered over to the bed, grabbing a pillow and smashing it against Tashi's head as the brunette laughed.

( . . . )

"So, who exactly are we watching?" Tom asked the two girls, putting his glasses on his head prior to the start of the match in order to actually see.

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