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With the feeling of hands shaking her arms, the blonde woman's eyes shot open - her cheeks wet from tears and her fists clenched shut by her sides. Quinn stared up at the man hovering over her, squinting to make out his features in the dark bedroom.

"Are you okay? What were you dreaming about?" He asked her softly, gently drying her cheeks with the back of his hand.

Quinn slowly sat up and took his hand in hers before lying through her teeth: "I don't even remember."

He frowned a little, "Are you sure? You can tell me, Quinn."

The blonde woman looked over at her bedside table, 02:59am, and turned on the lamp. This time, he was able to see how distressed she must've been whilst in a deep sleep and smiled at her faintly before she said: "I don't remember, honestly. Go back to sleep, I'm going to go and check on Maeve."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course," She leaned forward and pressed her lips on his.

The man nodded and returned back to his side of the bed, pulling the covers over himself as Quinn got up and draped her dressing gown around her frame before turning the light back off and leaving the bedroom.

As she walked down the corridor, she poked her head into her daughters bedroom, causing her lips to turn up at the sight of the young girl asleep in her bed - cuddling her frog teddy.

Quinn flicked the kettle on when she got downstairs, sitting at her breakfast bar as she pulled her laptop screen open and began searching on her browser. The woman stared at her laptop screen, squinting her eyes at the location of his last post.

As her cursor hovered over his image, the woman's eyes widened at the sight of his location: New York

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As her cursor hovered over his image, the woman's eyes widened at the sight of his location:
New York

Her lips parted, her eyes looking out her window - as if for any reason he'd be stood outside her house - before immediately clicking off of his post and burying her head in her hands. Her head immediately shot up at the sound of her phone going off beside her, her hand racing to grab it.

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