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Thanking the barista, Quinn put her hand around the hot coffee mugs and took a seat, staring out the large window she was sat beside and caught sight of a familiar brunette girl who was walking past. At the sight of her, Quinn sat up straight and tucked her blonde locks behind her ear.

"Sorry I'm late." Tashi said, sitting down and exhaling a deep breath. "Thanks." She nodded her head towards the coffee Quinn had bought her and took a big sip.

"Where'd you go last night? I didn't see you at the end when we left." The blonde girl asked.

Tashi pressed her lips together and pulled her bag off, putting it down beside her before saying: "I was with Art and Patrick," She admitted, watching Quinn sink down a little in her seat, "Don't worry, we were only speaking." She added immediately.

"It's okay, T." Quinn forced a smile to her lips, "You don't have to explain why you had company." She continued, "Where did you go?"

"Down by the sea, they were smoking, acting like typical boys - I don't want you to think I was there because of interest, I know you like Patrick and I wouldn't go there." Tashi kept up, taking another big gulp of her coffee.

"I'm not," Quinn shook her head.

"You're not what?"

"I'm not interested in Patrick." She admitted, causing her best friends eyebrows to be raised. "Really. What would be the point when life's going to change soon." She took her mug in her hand and looked out the window.

"It doesn't have to change so drastically though. If you did like Patrick, you know he'd come and visit you, and Art and I at Stanford. It'll be so good when we go there, there'll be so many more opportunities to play and - "

" - I'm not going to Stanford, Tashi." Quinn finally said, her words a little quieter than intended but yet still loud enough for Tashi to hear as the brunette girl's mouth hung ajar and she was lost for words. "I'm going to Columbia." She finished.

"But - that's in New York. That's not where the scholarship is - "

" - I know." Quinn said. "Because I don't want to play tennis for the rest of my life."

The brunette crossed her arms together and sat back against the chair, looking everywhere but to Quinn. "I don't know what to say..."

Quinn shook her head, slowly becoming irritated in Tashi's words. She had dreaded this moment, always planning scenarios of how it would go in her head; and this one occurred in 99% of them.

"Say congratulations. Say... I'm happy you're chasing your dreams. I don't know, Tashi. Say something that proves to me our friendship is more than tennis." Quinn shook her head, in disbelief of her best friends reaction. "Just because your dreams are different than mine, doesn't mean they're unimportant." She quoted Patrick, getting to her feet and walking out of the cafe.

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