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Staring at herself in the mirror, Quinn inhaled a deep breath and winced at how sore her muscles had felt. Since she had revealed her secret to, who she thought was her best friend, and found out that, who she thought was her best friend, kissed the guy Quinn refused to admit she liked; she dedicated all of her time to tennis in order to beat Tashi during the championship finale.

She hadn't spoken a word to the brunette girl since the cafe, and hadn't intended to knowing that Tashi hadn't bothered to even get in touch with the girl. As for Patrick, she ignored his messages and occasionally found herself seconds away from removing him on Facebook. Of course, she never had the courage to actually do so.

Quinn didn't have an explanation as to why she was so betrayed by Patrick, Tashi she understood, but the brunette boy had no reason not to kiss Tashi that night. That's what filled Quinn with more rage, thinking he portrayed interest to her in the first place.

"You're so tanned, I hope you've been putting aftersun on." Tom stood in his daughters doorframe and laughed, coming up behind her as she smiled to him in the mirror. "Have you caught a break, Winnie. You need some good food down you if you're definitely playing today." He reminded her.

"I am definitely playing today, Dad." She nodded, "I need to." She sighed.

"You don't." He reassured, re-tightening the plait she'd formed in her hair.

"I do. Because if I don't then she wins. If she can't accept my dreams, then I'll... destroy hers?" Quinn trailed off, forcing a smile to her lips as her Dad shook his head in disagreement. "Wouldn't you do the same?"

He immediately nodded, causing Quinn to pull an 'I told you so' expression, until he said: "But your mother wouldn't of. And you know she wouldn't."

The blonde girls eyes met the ground at his words. Quinn began to bite down on her bottom lip until she took a deep breath, pulled an iron supplement from her bag and took it with water, "We need to go." She said and walked out the door.

During car ride to the finale, the girl was full of nerves and opinions. All she'd thought of was beating Tashi, but the closer she got, she didn't even know if she wanted the big trophy and the photos. It was Tashi's dream. Not hers.

( . . . )

Stretching her legs, Quinn avoided making eye contact with Tashi who was on the other side of the court. Quinn's heart was racing, the kind where it felt it was about to burst out of her chest. She'd occasionally look over to her dad and brother who gave a wave and encouraging smile, one that she always returned.


The blonde girl looked up, taking sight of a familiar brunette boy stood in front of her with his hands in his short pockets. Her face lit up for the first few seconds until her expressions fell dull. "Hey." She forced a smile to her lips.

"Hey." His mouth curved into a smile, "You've been training a lot, huh?" He laughed a little, looking at the tan line on her shoulder.

"I guess." She stood straight, "Did you need something?" She continued.

Patrick shook his head, unsure of how to even act around her. Half of him felt stupid for even approaching her, knowing she'd been ignoring him. The other half was full of guilt, and if he had never took the opportunity to speak to her now, it would've dominated his body.

"I just wanted to wish you good luck." He confessed. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine. You?"

"I'm good." He nodded, "Quinn... I am sorry." He sighed.

"You don't have anything to be sorry for, Patrick. We weren't dating, and as far as I'm aware you charmed girls often so it's not like anything would've sprung, right?" She plastered a smile on her face.

He shook his head at her words, "But I -"

" - I don't wanna hear it, Patrick. Thanks, but I'm over it." She felt her expressions dullen.

Defeat caused his shoulders to drop, he pressed his lips together and wanted desperately to tuck the fallen lock of hair that was over her face behind her ear. "I hope you win today, Quinnie. Good luck." He said and made his way back to the stands, his words replaying in her mind.

The game was harder than either of the girls expected, the two of them both committing to the best game they'd both ever played. Quinn could feel her bones getting more and more exhausted with every hit, every step she took; and she could tell that Tashi was making mental notes of how light headed Quinn felt.

"Give up!" Tashi yelled, passion lacing her words, driving Quinn to work harder.

With one loud exhale, Quinn hit the ball to the left of Tashi, knowing it would unsync her from how Tashi knew the girl usually played. Squinting her eyes, she watched as the brunette girls racket skimmed the ball, the green object moving too quick for her to make a retaliation.

The split second Tashi acknowledged the loss she had caused, her jaw clenched as she froze on the spot. On the other side of the pitch, Quinn felt her knees crumble as they met the asphalt, Tom and James shooting up with cheers from the stand as the rest of the crowd joined in.

Quinn put her hand to her heart, feeling how quick it was beating as she began to laugh to herself at the victory that took over her body.

With a loud smash, everyone looked to Tashi who was using all of her force to destroy the racket in her hand. With gasps from people watching, the brunette girl angrily snatched her bag from the side of the court, approaching Quinn who looked up to Tashi, still on her knees.

"Are you satisfied?" Tashi squinted down at Quinn.

Staying silent, the corner of Quinn's lips formed into a smirk, causing the fury inside of Tashi to grow stronger. "You don't even want this. Why are you doing this to me? I thought we were best friends." Tashi shook her head.

Knitting her brows together, Quinn stared at Tashi as a hint of sadness clouded her features. "I don't know you at all." The blonde said in disbelief.

Tears began to shimmer in Tashi's eyes, her hand reaching into her bag as she took a small iron supplement from her bag and dropped it in front of Quinn's knees. The brunette stood on it, crushing it into the asphalt before she walked away.

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