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Arms swung around the blonde as she was tackled to the ground, sweat covering every inch of their bodies whilst laughters of relief bubbled from their chests. Her limbs were aching from the 90 minute best of three match the girls had just completed, the two girls on the opposing side of the line sighing in defeat.

"I need an iron supplement, bad." Quinn laughed, out of breath whilst Tashi quickly pulled herself off her best friend and helped her best friend up before wiping the sweat off her forehead.

The brunette ran to her bag and grabbed a vitamin from Quinn's case as well as water. Passing them to the blonde who swallowed it alongside the rest of the bottle.

"You eat breakfast this morning?" Tashi asked.

Quinn shook the hands of their opponents out of respect and nodded, "Yeah?" She responded matter of factly. "Come on." She pulled her arm around Tashi as they automatically wandered towards the camera.

"Well you've gotta sort this whole iron deficiency out to make sure we keep up these wins." Tashi raised her brows, "Maybe eat some meat every once in a while." She snorted as Mae cringed.

The two girls grinned in front of the camera, the two holding hands with their rackets in between them like they had done in every single photo. Thanking their congratulations before walking towards the changing room.

Out of nowhere, a cigarette dropped to Quinn's feet as she stopped in her tracks and looked up to where it'd come from. Squinting eyes and a wide, teeth revealing grin was already gazing at her before she raised a brow.

"My bad, I never embarrass myself in front of pretty girls." He said from the stand, her nose scrunching up slightly at his words.

"Yeah, well you've shot yourself in the foot there." She responded and picked the cigarette up between her fingers, walking over so they were face to face before handing it back. "You can't smoke here." She reminded him.

"Ah," He said and looked around, "You want to meet me after you've changed so we smoke it together then?" He grinned once more, causing the corner of her lips to turn up a little.

"Shouldn't you quit that habit if you play tennis, I mean, unless your double does all the work for you?" Tashi stepped behind Quinn.

The brunette boy raised his brows and looked between the two before responding: "You know who I am?"

Quinn's lips parted as she looked back at her best friend.

"Come on," Tashi said to Quinn and wandered off towards the changing room.

"You gonna take me up on that offer then?" He asked Quinn innocently.

The blonde looked to the cigarette, immediately bringing her eyes back up knowing she didn't even like drug. "Rain check. Maybe after i've watched you play." She shrugged and followed after her friend, leaving the brunette boy in the stands.

"I'm Patrick!" He yelled as she disappeared, his eyes wondering back to where she was just stood. With the lingering thought that he'd just shouted after her in attempt to get her attention again, he cringed at himself.

"Good luck." A girl stood beside Patrick laughed, "She led me on for months."

( . . . )

        After discussions for sponsors over lunch, the two girls left their parents with the managers of the partnerships and began their walk to the tennis court they'd hired for 3pm.

"So, how'd you know that guy?" Quinn pondered, zipping up her black coat and pulling her green bag further up on her shoulder.

"Fire and Ice. He plays with Art Donaldson, they're pretty good." Tashi admitted.

"No way? Art Donaldson?" Quinn stopped in her tracks.

Tashi mimicked the girls actions and raised a brow, confused at the shock and cause of stop from the blonde. "You know him?" She asked.

"Yeah, I know him. I played mixed doubles with him, his teammate didn't show up and mine was hungover so they scheduled us together to prevent cancellation fee. He's great, cute too." Quinn laughed a little and began to walk again.

"Your cute or my cute?"

"Cute." Quinn shrugged.

The brunette creased her lips together and nodded: "We can book a game against them? Or try a friendly?" She suggested.

Quinn's lips parted, hesitating a response: "No, I don't really want to."

"Why not?"

"I don't know, I wanna watch them play first."

"Their championship finales tomorrow."

A smile approached the blondes lips, "Well let's go watch some tennis then."

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