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         "Dad's not home, do you think it's okay if Julie comes over?" James knocked on his sisters door and stood in the doorway, raising his brows when his sister turned around from her desk and looked at him. "Jesus, why are you wearing your glasses, you have contacts for a reason." He added.

"Thanks." She pulled a disgusted look at him, "I just had my interview with an Administor... do you not think it makes me look smarter?" She began to internally panic.

"I'm only joking. You could look worse, not everyone can pull off the speccy four-eyes look so it's lucky Mom and Dad gave us good genes." He shrugged. "So... do you think I'll be allowed?" He asked again.

Quinn nodded, "Yeah, I don't see why not. Does she need picking up?"

"If that's okay." James smiled a little, "I'll get my shoes on now." 

"Okay." The blonde girl nodded and got to her feet, shutting her laptop screen and grabbing her keys before the two siblings left the house and made their way to Julies.

The car ride was silent at first until James began the conversation: "Are you and Patrick dating yet?" 

The blonde girls lips parted as she raised her brows at his words, "No, what makes you think that?" She looked at him for a second before looking back at the road. "I thought he said yesterday he was my friend?"

"Yeah. Awkwardly. I was cringing." James confessed. "Doesn't he like you? He literally stayed over last night and Dad must like him if he allowed that to happen so I don't know why you wouldn't date him when for once you're talking to a genuine person." 

Quinn rolled her eyes at his comment and replied: "Since when were you such a master of relationships?" 

"I'm not. I just know the difference between a good person and a bad one." He shrugged honestly. 

When they came to a red light, the older girl looked to her brother. "I'm scared that if we start dating then I leave for New York everything will change in a bad way." She let out a sigh and watched James features soften.

"Everything's always going to change. It doesn't mean the change has to be bad, Quinn." 

"Yeah but it's different." 

"You're not moving to the other side of the world, he's going professional, he'll have tournaments in New York." 

"I don't want to wait every day just to see him." She looked back forward to the road and began to move when the light turned green, trying to blink away the tears that glossed over her eyes.

"You're making it so difficult for no reason. Just don't date then?"

"You're not helping." Quinn said, James mumbling a small 'sorry' as they fell back into silence before they reached Julies house.

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